Europska unija značajno je ovisna je o uvozu brojnih mineralnih sirovina koji su od presudne važnosti za industriju, a time i ekonomiju Europske unije. Iz tog razloga, Europsko inovacijsko partnerstvo o mineralnim sirovinama sukladno Strategiji Europa 2020 ima za cilj do 2020. povećati udio industrije mineralnih sirovina na 20% BDP-a. To će se, prije svega, postići smanjivanjem ovisnosti o uvozu mineralnih sirovina. Shodno tome, Europska komisija financira brojne projekte u području mineralnih sirovina unutar programa Horizon 2020 i 7th Framework programa. Ključni cilj projekata je ostvarivanje pretpostavki za pokretanje rudarskih aktivnosti na području Europske unije. Rad donosi pregled završenih i aktualnih projekata unutar navedenih prog...
Europska unija značajno je ovisna je o uvozu brojnih mineralnih sirovina koji su od presudne važnost...
The European Commission (EC) started works on mineral policy in last years. In 2008 EC launched the ...
One of five Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), was launched in Europe in 2014 and has its ...
The directions of EU activities in the field of mineral resources and their extraction, which are im...
Mineral Raw Materials are of strategic importance for Europe’s economic growth and societal developm...
Since 2011, one of the major concerns of the European Commission is a sustainable supply of the raw ...
Most EU member states have taken measures to implement the principles of sustainable development. Mi...
Raw materials are the physical basis of the economy and society. Their unique physio-chemical proper...
European Research Area - Network on the Industrial Handling of Raw Materials for European Industries...
Na kraju drugog milenija rudatrstvo, temeljna grana gospodarstva mnogih država, nema dobar imidž u H...
In the last decade there has been a structural change in the world’s mineral markets and an increase...
Although mining and processing tailings can present a substantial risk to the environment, on the ot...
Cílem této diplomové práce je zhodnotit a podat ucelený pohled dnešní společnosti na význam kritický...
Numerous European industries are heavily dependent on imported rare earth element (REE) raw material...
ObjectivesThe aim of WP4 “Innovative Processing” is to elaborate how innovations in mineral and meta...
Europska unija značajno je ovisna je o uvozu brojnih mineralnih sirovina koji su od presudne važnost...
The European Commission (EC) started works on mineral policy in last years. In 2008 EC launched the ...
One of five Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), was launched in Europe in 2014 and has its ...
The directions of EU activities in the field of mineral resources and their extraction, which are im...
Mineral Raw Materials are of strategic importance for Europe’s economic growth and societal developm...
Since 2011, one of the major concerns of the European Commission is a sustainable supply of the raw ...
Most EU member states have taken measures to implement the principles of sustainable development. Mi...
Raw materials are the physical basis of the economy and society. Their unique physio-chemical proper...
European Research Area - Network on the Industrial Handling of Raw Materials for European Industries...
Na kraju drugog milenija rudatrstvo, temeljna grana gospodarstva mnogih država, nema dobar imidž u H...
In the last decade there has been a structural change in the world’s mineral markets and an increase...
Although mining and processing tailings can present a substantial risk to the environment, on the ot...
Cílem této diplomové práce je zhodnotit a podat ucelený pohled dnešní společnosti na význam kritický...
Numerous European industries are heavily dependent on imported rare earth element (REE) raw material...
ObjectivesThe aim of WP4 “Innovative Processing” is to elaborate how innovations in mineral and meta...
Europska unija značajno je ovisna je o uvozu brojnih mineralnih sirovina koji su od presudne važnost...
The European Commission (EC) started works on mineral policy in last years. In 2008 EC launched the ...
One of five Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), was launched in Europe in 2014 and has its ...