Proces anaerobne digestije je jedan od najučinkovitijih mehanizama pretvorbe biomase u energiju. Osim energetske iskoristivosti, ovaj proces je i održiv i ekološki prihvatljiv. U ovome radu je istraživan utjecaj različitih omjera gnojovke, silaže i kukuruznog šrota na proces anaerobne kodigestije i prinos bioplina. Istraživan je utjecaj omjera supstrata u reakcijskoj smjesi (gnojovke, silaže, kukuruznog šrota) na pH i prinos bioplina.The process of anaerobic digestion is one of the most effective mechanisms of transformation of biomass into energy. In addition to energy efficiency, it is sustainable and eco-friendly. The influence of different ratios of liquid manure, silage and corn scrap on the process of anaerobic codigestion and biogas ...
The production of biogas from anaerobic digestion (AD) of residual agro-food biomasses represents an...
WOS: 000350997300002The objective of this study is to evaluate anaerobic co-digestion of different a...
The biogas production from the agricultural wastes is accepted as an eco-friendly solution for keep ...
Proces anaerobne digestije je jedan od najučinkovitijih mehanizama pretvorbe biomase u energiju. Osi...
In order to determine the differences in the production and composition of biogas as well as the qua...
Ovaj rad istražuje učinkovitost primjene različitih razina digestiranog ostatka, dobivenog nakon ana...
Thanks to the development of new technologies for processing biological waste into energy products a...
Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti ali je smiselno uporabiti koruzno slamo kot sosubstrat pri proiz...
Proizvodnja bioplina anaerobnom digestijom (AD) optimalni je proces za tretiranje ţivotinjskog izmet...
Biogas plants that process raw materials from agriculture, such as poultry manure, are one of the mo...
Import 01/09/2009Diplomová práce je zaměřena na aktuální téma snižování podílu biologicky rozložitel...
This thesis evaluates the potential contribution of anaerobic digestion (AD) to the sustainability o...
Production of fuels and chemicals from renewable biomass is crucial to sustainability of bio-based e...
Većina bioplinskih postrojenja u EU koristi kukuruznu silažu kao kosupstrat u proizvodnji bioplina. ...
Vegetacinis vasarinių miežių eksperimentas atliktas 2019 m. VDU ŽŪA atviros prieigos Žemės ir miškų ...
The production of biogas from anaerobic digestion (AD) of residual agro-food biomasses represents an...
WOS: 000350997300002The objective of this study is to evaluate anaerobic co-digestion of different a...
The biogas production from the agricultural wastes is accepted as an eco-friendly solution for keep ...
Proces anaerobne digestije je jedan od najučinkovitijih mehanizama pretvorbe biomase u energiju. Osi...
In order to determine the differences in the production and composition of biogas as well as the qua...
Ovaj rad istražuje učinkovitost primjene različitih razina digestiranog ostatka, dobivenog nakon ana...
Thanks to the development of new technologies for processing biological waste into energy products a...
Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti ali je smiselno uporabiti koruzno slamo kot sosubstrat pri proiz...
Proizvodnja bioplina anaerobnom digestijom (AD) optimalni je proces za tretiranje ţivotinjskog izmet...
Biogas plants that process raw materials from agriculture, such as poultry manure, are one of the mo...
Import 01/09/2009Diplomová práce je zaměřena na aktuální téma snižování podílu biologicky rozložitel...
This thesis evaluates the potential contribution of anaerobic digestion (AD) to the sustainability o...
Production of fuels and chemicals from renewable biomass is crucial to sustainability of bio-based e...
Većina bioplinskih postrojenja u EU koristi kukuruznu silažu kao kosupstrat u proizvodnji bioplina. ...
Vegetacinis vasarinių miežių eksperimentas atliktas 2019 m. VDU ŽŪA atviros prieigos Žemės ir miškų ...
The production of biogas from anaerobic digestion (AD) of residual agro-food biomasses represents an...
WOS: 000350997300002The objective of this study is to evaluate anaerobic co-digestion of different a...
The biogas production from the agricultural wastes is accepted as an eco-friendly solution for keep ...