Čelična šljaka je nusproizvod iz industrije željeza i čelika koja se do sada primarno zbrinjavala odlaganjem na deponij. Međutim, danas je više nego ikad prije imperativ svakog društva, koje nastoji efikasnije gospodariti prirodnim resursima neškodljivo oporabiti nusproizvode na ekološki prihvatljiv način. Jedna od alternativnih metoda odlaganju na deponij je primjena čelične šljake u poljoprivredi bilo kao poboljšivač tla ili kao gnojivo. Zbog svojih kemijskih karakteristika čelična šljaka potencijalno predstavlja vrijedan izvor hranjiva, a visok udio oksida kalcija i magnezija može biti izvor hranjiva, ali i materijal za neutralizaciju kiselosti tla. Stoga je u istraživanju korištena čelična šljaka visoke pH vrijednosti u kombinaci...
Application of the amendments restores the quality of the soil by balancing the pH, the organic matt...
Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is one of the main environmental impacts caused by mining. Thus, innovative...
Troska korištena u ovom istraživanju je nusprodukt pri proizvodnji nelegiranih ugljičnih čelika u el...
Soil acidity is among the important environmental factors which can influence plant growth and can s...
Regular application of amendments and fertilizers in required doses causes significant and lasting c...
Liming an acid soil to correct the soil acidity can influence the buffering capacity of the soil. Th...
Acidic soils are soils that have a pH less than 6,5. There are several ways to raisethe pH of acidic...
This paper outlines effects of the usage of metallurgical slag from a steel factory in Smederevo, Re...
The effect of metallurgical slag application on chemical properties of the soils with limited produc...
Bazična troska koja se koristi u ovom istraživanju je nusproizvod pri proizvodnji čelika u elektrolu...
As escórias siderúrgicas, resultantes da fabricação de aços, possuem características químicas que in...
O emprego de escórias de siderurgia como fertilizantes e corretivos da acidez de solos tem se mostra...
The soil reaction value depend on the soil percentage base saturation degree and of the saturation t...
Lately,changing soil reaction as a consequence of culture technologies necessary measures to amend a...
Slags are a co-product produced by the steel manufacturing industry and have mainly been utilised fo...
Application of the amendments restores the quality of the soil by balancing the pH, the organic matt...
Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is one of the main environmental impacts caused by mining. Thus, innovative...
Troska korištena u ovom istraživanju je nusprodukt pri proizvodnji nelegiranih ugljičnih čelika u el...
Soil acidity is among the important environmental factors which can influence plant growth and can s...
Regular application of amendments and fertilizers in required doses causes significant and lasting c...
Liming an acid soil to correct the soil acidity can influence the buffering capacity of the soil. Th...
Acidic soils are soils that have a pH less than 6,5. There are several ways to raisethe pH of acidic...
This paper outlines effects of the usage of metallurgical slag from a steel factory in Smederevo, Re...
The effect of metallurgical slag application on chemical properties of the soils with limited produc...
Bazična troska koja se koristi u ovom istraživanju je nusproizvod pri proizvodnji čelika u elektrolu...
As escórias siderúrgicas, resultantes da fabricação de aços, possuem características químicas que in...
O emprego de escórias de siderurgia como fertilizantes e corretivos da acidez de solos tem se mostra...
The soil reaction value depend on the soil percentage base saturation degree and of the saturation t...
Lately,changing soil reaction as a consequence of culture technologies necessary measures to amend a...
Slags are a co-product produced by the steel manufacturing industry and have mainly been utilised fo...
Application of the amendments restores the quality of the soil by balancing the pH, the organic matt...
Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is one of the main environmental impacts caused by mining. Thus, innovative...
Troska korištena u ovom istraživanju je nusprodukt pri proizvodnji nelegiranih ugljičnih čelika u el...