Anomalije središnjeg živčanog sustava (SŽS) fetusa spadaju među najčešće fetalne anomalije, a ovisno o tipu anomalija dijagnoza se može postaviti samo u određenim razdobljima trudnoće. Većina ostavlja teške posljedice na neuromotorni razvoj djeteta a neke od njih su i nespojive sa životom. Anomalije SŽS u najvećem broju slučajeva nastaju kao rezultat više različitih čimbenika koji dovode do poremećaja normalne embriogeneze. Neki od tih čimbenika su identificirani i možemo utjecati na njih dok nam je većina njih još uvijek nepoznata. Dijagnostika anomalija SŽS-a je teška i specifična zbog brzih i ekstenzivnih morfoloških promjena u SŽS koji se događaju tijekom cijele trudnoće. Ključnu ulogu u daljnjem postupanju igra pravovremena dijagnoza š...
Defects in the central nervous system (CNS) are the most devastating of the various fetal malformati...
An abnormal presentation of the central nervous system in a fetus during a screening examination is ...
The aim of the study was to estimate the effectiveness of prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformat...
During the last 30 years, one of the most important instruments in diagnosis is ultrasonograph. It h...
Introduction: CNS anomalies are the most serious congenital abnormalities. Ultrasound is an effectiv...
Aims and Objectives: 1) Objective is to study the range of Congenital neurological anomalies occurri...
Fetalne malformacije su urođene strukturne malformacije nastale poremećajem u razvoju embrija ili fe...
Prirođene srčane greške (PSG) najčešći su uzrok smrti u perinatalnom i dojenačkom razdoblju. U Hrvat...
There is no doubt that ultrasound provides many clinical advantages. It is shown that ultrasound ena...
An overview on the principles of screening, diagnosis and management of fetal central nervous anomal...
Rođenje djeteta svakako je jedan od najvažnijih događaja u životu. Sama objava radosne vijesti o tru...
Rascjepi neuralne cijevi su prirođene anomalije središnjeg živčanog sustava i kralježničke moždine. ...
Aneurizma vene Galenae je rijetka vaskularna malformacija ploda, koja se u trudnoći dijagnosticira u...
Advanced technology as well as an increased capability of the ultrasonographers have expanded the us...
Abstract Central nervous system malformations constitute the second most common group of anomalies i...
Defects in the central nervous system (CNS) are the most devastating of the various fetal malformati...
An abnormal presentation of the central nervous system in a fetus during a screening examination is ...
The aim of the study was to estimate the effectiveness of prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformat...
During the last 30 years, one of the most important instruments in diagnosis is ultrasonograph. It h...
Introduction: CNS anomalies are the most serious congenital abnormalities. Ultrasound is an effectiv...
Aims and Objectives: 1) Objective is to study the range of Congenital neurological anomalies occurri...
Fetalne malformacije su urođene strukturne malformacije nastale poremećajem u razvoju embrija ili fe...
Prirođene srčane greške (PSG) najčešći su uzrok smrti u perinatalnom i dojenačkom razdoblju. U Hrvat...
There is no doubt that ultrasound provides many clinical advantages. It is shown that ultrasound ena...
An overview on the principles of screening, diagnosis and management of fetal central nervous anomal...
Rođenje djeteta svakako je jedan od najvažnijih događaja u životu. Sama objava radosne vijesti o tru...
Rascjepi neuralne cijevi su prirođene anomalije središnjeg živčanog sustava i kralježničke moždine. ...
Aneurizma vene Galenae je rijetka vaskularna malformacija ploda, koja se u trudnoći dijagnosticira u...
Advanced technology as well as an increased capability of the ultrasonographers have expanded the us...
Abstract Central nervous system malformations constitute the second most common group of anomalies i...
Defects in the central nervous system (CNS) are the most devastating of the various fetal malformati...
An abnormal presentation of the central nervous system in a fetus during a screening examination is ...
The aim of the study was to estimate the effectiveness of prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformat...