U okviru ovog rada sustavno je istražen utjecaj otapala na ravnoteže reakcija kompleksiranja sekundarnog i tercijarnog amidnog derivata kaliks[4]arena s kationima alkalijskih metala. Kompleksiranje je proučavano UV-Vis spektrometrijskim i izotermnim mikrokalorimetrijskim titracijama u više organskih otapala, N-metilformamidu (NMF), N,N-dimetilformamidu (DMF) i etanolu (EtOH). Određene su konstante stabilnosti odgovarajućih kompleksa, kao i pripadajuće termodinamičke reakcijske veličine. Na temelju određenih termodinamičkih funkcija otapanja liganda, i literaturnih termodinamičkih podataka solvatacije alkalijskih kationa, izračunane su Gibbsove energije transfera svih sudionika reakcije. Da bi se stekao detaljniji uvid u procese vezanja kati...
The synthesis of calix[4]arene derivatives, 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl[25,27-bis(hydroxy)-26,28-bis...
Two novel fluorescent calix[4]arenes comprising diphenylanthracene moiety at the lower rim were synt...
Following an introoduction on calixarene chemistry and their metal-ion complexes including some of t...
U okviru rada istražena je termodinamika kompleksiranja alkalijskih kationa s amidnim derivatima kal...
The complexation of alkali-metal cations with calix[4]arene tertiary amide derivative (L) was studie...
Sustavno je istraženo kompleksiranje kationa zemnoalkalijskih metala s derivatom kaliks[4]arena koji...
U okviru istraživačkog dijela rada ispitana je termodinamika kompleksiranja zemnoalkalijskih kationa...
The calix[4]arene secondary-amide derivative <b>L</b> was synthesized, and its complexation with al...
The medium effect on the complexation of alkali metal cations with a calix[4]arene ketone derivativ...
Complexation of alkali-metal cations with calix[4]arene secondary-amide derivative, 5,11,17,23-tetr...
Sintetiziran je fluorescentni glikokonjugat kaliks[4]arena (L) koji na donjem obodu posjeduje dvije ...
The binding of alkali metal cations with two tertiary-amide lower-rim calix[4]arenes was studied in ...
Following an introduction on calixarene chemistry and their metal-ion complexes including some of th...
This thesis concerns the thermodynamics of macrocycles and their metal cation complexes in non-aqueo...
This is the first coherent report on the metalation of calix[4]arene by alkali and alkaline-earth me...
The synthesis of calix[4]arene derivatives, 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl[25,27-bis(hydroxy)-26,28-bis...
Two novel fluorescent calix[4]arenes comprising diphenylanthracene moiety at the lower rim were synt...
Following an introoduction on calixarene chemistry and their metal-ion complexes including some of t...
U okviru rada istražena je termodinamika kompleksiranja alkalijskih kationa s amidnim derivatima kal...
The complexation of alkali-metal cations with calix[4]arene tertiary amide derivative (L) was studie...
Sustavno je istraženo kompleksiranje kationa zemnoalkalijskih metala s derivatom kaliks[4]arena koji...
U okviru istraživačkog dijela rada ispitana je termodinamika kompleksiranja zemnoalkalijskih kationa...
The calix[4]arene secondary-amide derivative <b>L</b> was synthesized, and its complexation with al...
The medium effect on the complexation of alkali metal cations with a calix[4]arene ketone derivativ...
Complexation of alkali-metal cations with calix[4]arene secondary-amide derivative, 5,11,17,23-tetr...
Sintetiziran je fluorescentni glikokonjugat kaliks[4]arena (L) koji na donjem obodu posjeduje dvije ...
The binding of alkali metal cations with two tertiary-amide lower-rim calix[4]arenes was studied in ...
Following an introduction on calixarene chemistry and their metal-ion complexes including some of th...
This thesis concerns the thermodynamics of macrocycles and their metal cation complexes in non-aqueo...
This is the first coherent report on the metalation of calix[4]arene by alkali and alkaline-earth me...
The synthesis of calix[4]arene derivatives, 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl[25,27-bis(hydroxy)-26,28-bis...
Two novel fluorescent calix[4]arenes comprising diphenylanthracene moiety at the lower rim were synt...
Following an introoduction on calixarene chemistry and their metal-ion complexes including some of t...