U ovom radu, istražena je količina ukupnog ugljika (C) i sumpora (S) na hidromelioriranom tlu, u srednjoj Posavini, na dubini od 0 - 25 i od 25 - 50 cm. Maksimalna količina C (1,96%) i S (0,055%) utvrđena je na dubini od 0 do 25 cm. U uzorcima drenažne vode, uzetim na istoj lokaciji, određen je otopljeni organski ugljik (Dissolved Organic Carbon, DOC), suspendirani organski ugljik (Particulate Organic Carbon, POC), organska i anorganska frakcije reduciranih sumpornih vrsta (reduciranih sumpornih specija, RSS) te površinski aktivne tvari (PAT). Koncentracije DOC bile su u rasponu od 1,07 do 9,93 mg C dm−3 (srednja vrijednost: 4,68 ± 2,52 mg C dm−3, a koncentracije POC između 0,11 i 3,51 mg C dm−3 (srednja vrijednost: 1,06 ± 0,96 mg C dm−3). ...
The present study deals with the investigation of soil organic carbon in two water catchments in Nor...
Rad obraĊuje problematiku oneĉišćenja tla iz bivšeg rudnika olova i cinka u Meţanskoj dolini u susje...
The aim of our present research was to investigate the composition and distribution of saturated hyd...
This thesis deals with acid-base properties of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), which markedly affect...
Presented here is a study of the geochemical dynamics of the entire River Sava watershed, a major tr...
Bachelor thesis in its theoretical part is focused on the literature study of changes in concentrati...
Organski ugljik u prirodnim vodama važna je komponenta u ciklusu ugljika, te kao jedan od najvećih s...
Analizirani su prikupljeni uzorci vode i sedimenta rijeke Save sa 4 lokacije, od mosta Jankomir do R...
Purpose: Climate change is contributing to an increase in extreme weather events. This results in a ...
Predmet istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada je profil aluvijalnog (fluvijalnog) tla na lokaciji Hlebin...
This diploma thesis deals with the description of the chemistry of stagnant and flowing surface wate...
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je određivanje utjecaja mineraloškog sastava na parametre i procjednu ...
Central gas station of the natural gas borehole system Podravina is located near the village Molve. ...
Organski ugljik jedno je od važnijih svojstava tla, čiji sadržaj ovisi o unosu organske tvari u tlo ...
This thesis contains summary information about the importance of sulphur as an important macrobiogen...
The present study deals with the investigation of soil organic carbon in two water catchments in Nor...
Rad obraĊuje problematiku oneĉišćenja tla iz bivšeg rudnika olova i cinka u Meţanskoj dolini u susje...
The aim of our present research was to investigate the composition and distribution of saturated hyd...
This thesis deals with acid-base properties of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), which markedly affect...
Presented here is a study of the geochemical dynamics of the entire River Sava watershed, a major tr...
Bachelor thesis in its theoretical part is focused on the literature study of changes in concentrati...
Organski ugljik u prirodnim vodama važna je komponenta u ciklusu ugljika, te kao jedan od najvećih s...
Analizirani su prikupljeni uzorci vode i sedimenta rijeke Save sa 4 lokacije, od mosta Jankomir do R...
Purpose: Climate change is contributing to an increase in extreme weather events. This results in a ...
Predmet istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada je profil aluvijalnog (fluvijalnog) tla na lokaciji Hlebin...
This diploma thesis deals with the description of the chemistry of stagnant and flowing surface wate...
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je određivanje utjecaja mineraloškog sastava na parametre i procjednu ...
Central gas station of the natural gas borehole system Podravina is located near the village Molve. ...
Organski ugljik jedno je od važnijih svojstava tla, čiji sadržaj ovisi o unosu organske tvari u tlo ...
This thesis contains summary information about the importance of sulphur as an important macrobiogen...
The present study deals with the investigation of soil organic carbon in two water catchments in Nor...
Rad obraĊuje problematiku oneĉišćenja tla iz bivšeg rudnika olova i cinka u Meţanskoj dolini u susje...
The aim of our present research was to investigate the composition and distribution of saturated hyd...