Naftni proizvodi općenito u današnje vrijeme imaju široku primjenu te se najvećim dijelom koriste kao goriva za motore s unutarnjim izgaranjem pri čemu se u atmosferu oslobađaju štetni sumporovi (SOx) i dušikovi oksidi (NOx). Stoga zahtjevi naftne prerađivačke industrije podliježu strožim ekološkim propisima u svrhu zaštite ljudskog zdravlja i okoliša. Kako bi se smanjio udio sumpora, frakcije nafta najčešće se obrađuju hidrodesulfurizacijskim (HDS) procesom. Kako bi se zadovoljile propisane regulative HDS proces iziskuje visoki radni tlak i temperaturu te ne pokazuje dostatnu uspješnost pri uklanjanju tiofenskih spojeva koji se nalaze u dizelskom gorivu. Iz tog razloga razvijaju se alternativne metode uklanjanja sumporovih spojeva kao što ...
A necessidade de redução da emissão de poluentes, visando diminuir os sérios problemas de poluição a...
Abstract: Increase in energy demand and consumption has been accompanied by a corresponding increase...
One of the key factors for increasing the efficiency of reactions in which catalysts are involved is...
Naftni proizvodi (ukapljeni naftni plin , dizelska goriva, motorni benzini) se primarno koriste kao ...
Ultrazvukom potpomognuta oksidacijska desulfurizacija učinkovita je tehnologija za odsumporavanje di...
Uz prirodni plin i vodu, nafta će još dugo vremena biti jedan od glavnih izvora energije. Danas naft...
This thesis describes the development of a simplified catalytic system for the deep removal of sulfu...
Danas, zbog brige o okolišu strogim normama se definira dozvoljena koncentracija sumpora u dizelskom...
This research utilized a real raw diesel oil to be subjected in an innovative desulfurization techni...
UnrestrictedThis study is aimed at improving the current ultrasound assisted oxidative desulfurizati...
Oxidative desulphurization (ODS) enables attainment of ultra-low sulphur content in diesel fuels by ...
Fossil fuel derived oil is needed to be treated through a desulfurization process in order for it to...
AbstractUltrasound-assisted oxidative desulfurization (UAOD) process was applied to diesel oil and p...
Recent technological advancements respond to the call to minimize/eliminate emissions to the atmosph...
Recent technological advancements respond to the call to minimize/eliminate emissions to the atmosph...
A necessidade de redução da emissão de poluentes, visando diminuir os sérios problemas de poluição a...
Abstract: Increase in energy demand and consumption has been accompanied by a corresponding increase...
One of the key factors for increasing the efficiency of reactions in which catalysts are involved is...
Naftni proizvodi (ukapljeni naftni plin , dizelska goriva, motorni benzini) se primarno koriste kao ...
Ultrazvukom potpomognuta oksidacijska desulfurizacija učinkovita je tehnologija za odsumporavanje di...
Uz prirodni plin i vodu, nafta će još dugo vremena biti jedan od glavnih izvora energije. Danas naft...
This thesis describes the development of a simplified catalytic system for the deep removal of sulfu...
Danas, zbog brige o okolišu strogim normama se definira dozvoljena koncentracija sumpora u dizelskom...
This research utilized a real raw diesel oil to be subjected in an innovative desulfurization techni...
UnrestrictedThis study is aimed at improving the current ultrasound assisted oxidative desulfurizati...
Oxidative desulphurization (ODS) enables attainment of ultra-low sulphur content in diesel fuels by ...
Fossil fuel derived oil is needed to be treated through a desulfurization process in order for it to...
AbstractUltrasound-assisted oxidative desulfurization (UAOD) process was applied to diesel oil and p...
Recent technological advancements respond to the call to minimize/eliminate emissions to the atmosph...
Recent technological advancements respond to the call to minimize/eliminate emissions to the atmosph...
A necessidade de redução da emissão de poluentes, visando diminuir os sérios problemas de poluição a...
Abstract: Increase in energy demand and consumption has been accompanied by a corresponding increase...
One of the key factors for increasing the efficiency of reactions in which catalysts are involved is...