Tumori sjemenika pasa spadaju u najčešće tumore spolnog sustava te među najčešće tumore pasa uopće. Većina tumora se dijagnosticira u kasnijoj fazi kada već dođe do povećanja sjemenika, pri čemu se kao jedina i najbolja metoda liječenja koristi kastracija, nakon koje se može postaviti i konačna dijagnoza na temelju histopatološke pretrage zahvaćenog sjemenika. U ovom istraživanju je provedena histopatološka analiza arhiviranih uzoraka najčešćih tumora sjemenika pasa (9 uzoraka) i jednom uzorku nepromijenjenog sjemenika, te je provedena histopatološka klasifikacija. Isti uzorci su podvrgnuti analizi DNK metodom protočne citometrije kako bi se utvrdio udio tumorskih stanica u pojedinim fazama staničnog ciklusa. Provedenom komparativnom analiz...
The study was aimed at diagnosing transmissible venereal tumour (TVT) initially using cytological te...
Background: Testicular neoplasms in dogs are more frequent than in other animal species, representin...
The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence of testicular diseases in small population of dog...
Tumori sjemenika pasa spadaju u najčešće tumore spolnog sustava te među najčešće tumore pasa uopće. ...
Kod pasa starije životne dobi koji nisu kastrirani vrlo je česta dijagnoza tumor testisa. Također,...
Canine testicular tumors account for about 90 % of tumors affecting the male genitalia. Seminomas (S...
Testes and ovarian tumors are tumors which appear in small percentages in dogs. They rarely lead to ...
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 15-35 and is thus a diagnosis that negativel...
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 15-35 and is thus a diagnosis that negativel...
Background: Testicular neoplasms are common in dogs, and their incidence is higher in older animals,...
SUMMARY Background: The major types of testicular tumour in dogs are sex-cord stromal tumours, g...
Tumori sjemenika su najčešće neoplazme reproduktivnog sustava pasa i najčešće se javljaju kod starij...
Canine testicular tumours frequently occur and share relevant features with their human counterparts...
Tumori testisa se najčešće javljaju kod muškaraca između 15 i 40 godina, mada čine oko 1% svih novot...
Background and Aim: Canine testicular tumors are among the most common reproductive tract tumors in ...
The study was aimed at diagnosing transmissible venereal tumour (TVT) initially using cytological te...
Background: Testicular neoplasms in dogs are more frequent than in other animal species, representin...
The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence of testicular diseases in small population of dog...
Tumori sjemenika pasa spadaju u najčešće tumore spolnog sustava te među najčešće tumore pasa uopće. ...
Kod pasa starije životne dobi koji nisu kastrirani vrlo je česta dijagnoza tumor testisa. Također,...
Canine testicular tumors account for about 90 % of tumors affecting the male genitalia. Seminomas (S...
Testes and ovarian tumors are tumors which appear in small percentages in dogs. They rarely lead to ...
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 15-35 and is thus a diagnosis that negativel...
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 15-35 and is thus a diagnosis that negativel...
Background: Testicular neoplasms are common in dogs, and their incidence is higher in older animals,...
SUMMARY Background: The major types of testicular tumour in dogs are sex-cord stromal tumours, g...
Tumori sjemenika su najčešće neoplazme reproduktivnog sustava pasa i najčešće se javljaju kod starij...
Canine testicular tumours frequently occur and share relevant features with their human counterparts...
Tumori testisa se najčešće javljaju kod muškaraca između 15 i 40 godina, mada čine oko 1% svih novot...
Background and Aim: Canine testicular tumors are among the most common reproductive tract tumors in ...
The study was aimed at diagnosing transmissible venereal tumour (TVT) initially using cytological te...
Background: Testicular neoplasms in dogs are more frequent than in other animal species, representin...
The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence of testicular diseases in small population of dog...