U radu su proučavani kemijski sastav i antioksidativna svojstva gljiva vrsta Agrocybe aegerita i Lentinus edodes. U ekstraktima dobivenim ekstrakcijom osušenih gljiva s vodom (hladnom, 25 oC i vrućom, 90 oC) te etanolom (40 oC) određivan je udjel ukupnih fenolnih sastojaka. Obje proučavane gljive su se pokazale kao dobar izvor proteina i ukupnih šećera, čiji je maseni udjel bio 29,45 i 66,18 mg/g (L. edodes), te 44,22 i 61,55 mg/g (A.aegerita). Ekstrakcijom s etanolom u objema je gljivama određen najveći udjel ukupnih fenolnih sastojaka (9,29-9,98 mg/g), zatim je slijedila ekstrakcija s vrućom vodom (8,97-9,56 mg/g) te naposljetku hladnom vodom (6,54-7,98 mg/g). Pri optimalnom vremenu (5 h) i temperaturi ekstrakcije (40 oC), udjel ukupnih f...
Introduction: Some edible mushrooms have an important antioxidant capacity which can be influenced b...
Objective: Aim of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of the edible mushroom specie...
Mushrooms contain a multitude of biomolecules with nutritional and/or biological activity. Among th...
U radu su proučavani kemijski sastav i antioksidativna svojstva gljiva vrsta Agrocybe aegerita i Len...
U radu su in-vitro proučavana nutritivna, antioksidacijska i antimikrobna svojstva četiri jestive i ...
Gljive postaju sve važnije u prehrani kao funkcionalna hrana i izvor fiziološki bioaktivnih spojeva....
Gljive su značajan izvor različitih sekundarnih metabolita, uključujući i različite polifenolne spoj...
Mushrooms are widely appreciated all over the world for their nutritional properties, and also for t...
This work aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of Lentinus edodes and Agaricus blazei mushroom...
Several mushroom species have been pointed out as sources of antioxidant compounds, in addition to t...
Gljive kao funkcionalna hrana pozitivno djeluju na ljudsko zdravlje te imaju važnu ulogu u liječenju...
This study aimed to compare the content of elements and antioxidant activity of thirteen species of ...
Antioxidant activity and total phenol (TP) content of methanol and water extracts of three wild Croa...
More than 3000 mushrooms are said to be “prime edible species”, of which only 100 are cultivated co...
Mushrooms contain a huge diversity of biomolecules with nutritional [1) and/or bioactive properties...
Introduction: Some edible mushrooms have an important antioxidant capacity which can be influenced b...
Objective: Aim of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of the edible mushroom specie...
Mushrooms contain a multitude of biomolecules with nutritional and/or biological activity. Among th...
U radu su proučavani kemijski sastav i antioksidativna svojstva gljiva vrsta Agrocybe aegerita i Len...
U radu su in-vitro proučavana nutritivna, antioksidacijska i antimikrobna svojstva četiri jestive i ...
Gljive postaju sve važnije u prehrani kao funkcionalna hrana i izvor fiziološki bioaktivnih spojeva....
Gljive su značajan izvor različitih sekundarnih metabolita, uključujući i različite polifenolne spoj...
Mushrooms are widely appreciated all over the world for their nutritional properties, and also for t...
This work aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of Lentinus edodes and Agaricus blazei mushroom...
Several mushroom species have been pointed out as sources of antioxidant compounds, in addition to t...
Gljive kao funkcionalna hrana pozitivno djeluju na ljudsko zdravlje te imaju važnu ulogu u liječenju...
This study aimed to compare the content of elements and antioxidant activity of thirteen species of ...
Antioxidant activity and total phenol (TP) content of methanol and water extracts of three wild Croa...
More than 3000 mushrooms are said to be “prime edible species”, of which only 100 are cultivated co...
Mushrooms contain a huge diversity of biomolecules with nutritional [1) and/or bioactive properties...
Introduction: Some edible mushrooms have an important antioxidant capacity which can be influenced b...
Objective: Aim of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of the edible mushroom specie...
Mushrooms contain a multitude of biomolecules with nutritional and/or biological activity. Among th...