Jedan od vaţnijih problema današnjice predstavljaju teški metali, posebice kadmij, koji se nalaze u tlu i mogu ući u hranidbeni lanac što bi moglo biti pogubno za sva ţiva bića. Iz tog razloga sve više se proučava fitoremedijacija - metoda koja koristi biljke kako bi uklonila metale iz tla. U ovom radu promatran je utjecaj kadmija na rast jablana (Populus nigra var. italica), akumulacija i tolerancija kadmija, njegova preraspodjela u pojedine dijelove biljke te utjecaj kadmija na aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima superoksid-dismutaze (SOD), katalaze (CAT), askorbat-peroksidaze (APOX) i peroksidaze (POD). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da bi se jablan (Populus nigra var. italica) mogao uspješno koristiti u fitoremedijaciji kadmija.One of the ...
Phytoremediation is a green technology; however, very few species of arid environments have been ide...
Application of weeds and leafy wild vegetables for phytoremediation of cadmium (Cd) - and copper (Cu...
Water and soil pollution by heavy metals is a very serious problem of nowadays. Since the beginning ...
Jedan od vaţnijih problema današnjice predstavljaju teški metali, posebice kadmij, koji se nalaze u ...
Fitoremedijacija se smatra obećavajućom, jeftinom te estetski prihvatljivom, in situ tehnologijom za...
Jedan od najvećih problema današnjice predstavlja onečišćenje okoliša. Onečišćenje teškim metalima, ...
Woody plants are increasingly used in the remediation of contaminated land. The content of metals (M...
Globalno onečišćenje okoliša teškim metalima, posebice kadmijem (Cd), predmet je brojnih istraživanj...
In this study, the phytoremediation capacity of the hydrophilic tree species populus deltoides and T...
Fast growing woody plants represent effective tools for cadmium (Cd) extraction during remediation o...
Olovo i kadmijum spadaju u neesencijalne elemente koji u vrlo niskim koncentracijama mogu da deluju ...
Photoautotrophic organisms are faced with the complex regulation of metal homeostasis. Some metals (...
Industrialization and extraction of natural resources have resulted in large scale environmental co...
Les différentes études entreprises ont porté sur la détermination du potentiel accumulateur du peupl...
Kukuruz (Zea mays, L.) je jednogodišnja vrsta žitarica prilagođena na različite vrste tla. Osim što ...
Phytoremediation is a green technology; however, very few species of arid environments have been ide...
Application of weeds and leafy wild vegetables for phytoremediation of cadmium (Cd) - and copper (Cu...
Water and soil pollution by heavy metals is a very serious problem of nowadays. Since the beginning ...
Jedan od vaţnijih problema današnjice predstavljaju teški metali, posebice kadmij, koji se nalaze u ...
Fitoremedijacija se smatra obećavajućom, jeftinom te estetski prihvatljivom, in situ tehnologijom za...
Jedan od najvećih problema današnjice predstavlja onečišćenje okoliša. Onečišćenje teškim metalima, ...
Woody plants are increasingly used in the remediation of contaminated land. The content of metals (M...
Globalno onečišćenje okoliša teškim metalima, posebice kadmijem (Cd), predmet je brojnih istraživanj...
In this study, the phytoremediation capacity of the hydrophilic tree species populus deltoides and T...
Fast growing woody plants represent effective tools for cadmium (Cd) extraction during remediation o...
Olovo i kadmijum spadaju u neesencijalne elemente koji u vrlo niskim koncentracijama mogu da deluju ...
Photoautotrophic organisms are faced with the complex regulation of metal homeostasis. Some metals (...
Industrialization and extraction of natural resources have resulted in large scale environmental co...
Les différentes études entreprises ont porté sur la détermination du potentiel accumulateur du peupl...
Kukuruz (Zea mays, L.) je jednogodišnja vrsta žitarica prilagođena na različite vrste tla. Osim što ...
Phytoremediation is a green technology; however, very few species of arid environments have been ide...
Application of weeds and leafy wild vegetables for phytoremediation of cadmium (Cd) - and copper (Cu...
Water and soil pollution by heavy metals is a very serious problem of nowadays. Since the beginning ...