Gastrointestinalna mikroflora gmazova sastoji se od aerobnih i anaerobnih, gram-negativnih i gram-pozitivnih bakterija, gljivica i protozoa. Većina izolata opisani su kao oportunistički patogeni koji mogu izazvati bolest u imunokompromitiranih ljudi i životinja. Podaci o bolestima koje kornjače roda Trachemys mogu proširiti na druge populacije kornjača nisu poznate, no poznato je da mogu biti rezervoar bakterija roda Salmonella te su zbog toga prijetnja zdravlju ljudi, osobito imunokompromitiranih pojedinaca. Osim salmonela, poluvodene kornjače mogu u svom probavnom sustavu nositi i brojne druge oportunističke bakterije, koje pod određenim okolnostima mogu uzrokovati bolest u ljudi i životinja. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je steći detaljn...
We investigated Salmonella sp. in red-foot tortoise (Chelonoides carbonaria) because of the fact thi...
Monitoring of infections that may be transmitted to humans by animals in wildlife rescue centres is ...
The aims of this study were to explore the antibacterial potential of cloacal mucus olive ridley sea...
Gastrointestinalna mikroflora gmazova sastoji se od anaerobnih i aerobnih Gram pozitivnih i Gram neg...
Podaci o mikroflori probavnog sustava glavate želve i antimikrobnoj rezistenciji su poprilicno oskud...
Gmazovi su sve češći kućni ljubimci te posljedično i pacijenti u veterinarskoj medicini, stoga je n...
Control of microbiological status of ponds and a fish itself is of great importance while the aim of...
Salmonellosis infection is caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella. There are many pathways for t...
Loggerhead sea turtles are ancient marine reptiles inhabiting the oceans worldwide. They are coloni...
Voda je neprocjenjiv prirodni resurs te važno strateško i gospodarsko pitanje u svijetu. Povoljna je...
Frequent cases of bacterial infections caused by contact with semi-aquatic turtles and water from th...
Plazilci so v zadnjih letih vse bolj priljubljeni hišni ljubljenčki, pogosto pa se uporabljajo kot u...
Large numbers of many different species of microorganisms live in the oceans. Yet, much remains to b...
The aim of the study was to isolate cultivable gut microbiota from European pond turtles kept at the...
Salmonella spp. e Leptospira spp., zoonotic agents of public health relevance, have higher occurrenc...
We investigated Salmonella sp. in red-foot tortoise (Chelonoides carbonaria) because of the fact thi...
Monitoring of infections that may be transmitted to humans by animals in wildlife rescue centres is ...
The aims of this study were to explore the antibacterial potential of cloacal mucus olive ridley sea...
Gastrointestinalna mikroflora gmazova sastoji se od anaerobnih i aerobnih Gram pozitivnih i Gram neg...
Podaci o mikroflori probavnog sustava glavate želve i antimikrobnoj rezistenciji su poprilicno oskud...
Gmazovi su sve češći kućni ljubimci te posljedično i pacijenti u veterinarskoj medicini, stoga je n...
Control of microbiological status of ponds and a fish itself is of great importance while the aim of...
Salmonellosis infection is caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella. There are many pathways for t...
Loggerhead sea turtles are ancient marine reptiles inhabiting the oceans worldwide. They are coloni...
Voda je neprocjenjiv prirodni resurs te važno strateško i gospodarsko pitanje u svijetu. Povoljna je...
Frequent cases of bacterial infections caused by contact with semi-aquatic turtles and water from th...
Plazilci so v zadnjih letih vse bolj priljubljeni hišni ljubljenčki, pogosto pa se uporabljajo kot u...
Large numbers of many different species of microorganisms live in the oceans. Yet, much remains to b...
The aim of the study was to isolate cultivable gut microbiota from European pond turtles kept at the...
Salmonella spp. e Leptospira spp., zoonotic agents of public health relevance, have higher occurrenc...
We investigated Salmonella sp. in red-foot tortoise (Chelonoides carbonaria) because of the fact thi...
Monitoring of infections that may be transmitted to humans by animals in wildlife rescue centres is ...
The aims of this study were to explore the antibacterial potential of cloacal mucus olive ridley sea...