Zbog nepovoljnih vremenskih uvjeta tijekom uobičajenog razdoblja berbe, kukuruz se ostavlja na polju te bere tijekom zimskih mjeseci. Međutim, prezimljavanje može negativno utjecati na kvalitetu zrna. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati utjecaj roka zimske berbe na sadržaj karotenoida i ukupnu antioksidacijsku aktivnost zrna četiri Bc hibrida kukuruza (Bc 344, Bc 353, Bc 572 i Pajdaš). Zrno kukuruza istraživanih hibrida proizvedeno je na istom testnom polju u uvjetima intenzivne agrotehnike, a berba je provedena u listopadu 2015., uobičajenom roku berbe, te siječnju i ožujku 2016., tri i pet mjeseci nakon uobičajene berbe. Ukupni karotenoidi iz zrna su estrahirani heksanom i kvantificirani kao ekvivalent β-karotena spektrofotometrijskom meto...
Nine maize hybrids were grown with the aim to determine variations in chemical composition of the...
Frequent variations and extremes in meteorological factors, affect not just yield, but also grain co...
Sve su učestalije godine u kojima dominiraju produljeni periodi suše u kombinaciji s visokim tempera...
Maize grain is an important source of nutrients in human diet. The differences in content and relati...
Zrno kukuruza je važan izvor fito-nutritiva u ishrani ljudi i životinja. Testirana je primena različ...
U hranidbi životinja, karotenoidi su poželjni u obrocima zbog pigmentacijskih i antioksidacijskih sv...
Maize is considered a source of carotenoids; however, these compounds are highly unstable, degraded ...
Maize is considered a source of carotenoids; however, these compounds are highly unstable, degraded ...
Boja žutanjaka jaja, kože ili mesa peradi važan je čimbenik percepcije kakvoće proizvoda za potrošač...
The contemporary trends in maize breeding are directed at identification of genotypes wi...
Maize is the most commonly consumed cereal in the world. Its various compounds are associated with n...
Kukuruz (Zea mays, L.) je jednogodišnja vrsta žitarica prilagođena na različite vrste tla. Osim što ...
Nine maize hybrids were grown with the aim to determine variations in chemical composition of the gr...
Maize (Zea mays L.) grain is an important source of nutrients in human diet. The differences in cont...
Cover crops has important role in sustainability, owing to protection from soil erosion and soil en...
Nine maize hybrids were grown with the aim to determine variations in chemical composition of the...
Frequent variations and extremes in meteorological factors, affect not just yield, but also grain co...
Sve su učestalije godine u kojima dominiraju produljeni periodi suše u kombinaciji s visokim tempera...
Maize grain is an important source of nutrients in human diet. The differences in content and relati...
Zrno kukuruza je važan izvor fito-nutritiva u ishrani ljudi i životinja. Testirana je primena različ...
U hranidbi životinja, karotenoidi su poželjni u obrocima zbog pigmentacijskih i antioksidacijskih sv...
Maize is considered a source of carotenoids; however, these compounds are highly unstable, degraded ...
Maize is considered a source of carotenoids; however, these compounds are highly unstable, degraded ...
Boja žutanjaka jaja, kože ili mesa peradi važan je čimbenik percepcije kakvoće proizvoda za potrošač...
The contemporary trends in maize breeding are directed at identification of genotypes wi...
Maize is the most commonly consumed cereal in the world. Its various compounds are associated with n...
Kukuruz (Zea mays, L.) je jednogodišnja vrsta žitarica prilagođena na različite vrste tla. Osim što ...
Nine maize hybrids were grown with the aim to determine variations in chemical composition of the gr...
Maize (Zea mays L.) grain is an important source of nutrients in human diet. The differences in cont...
Cover crops has important role in sustainability, owing to protection from soil erosion and soil en...
Nine maize hybrids were grown with the aim to determine variations in chemical composition of the...
Frequent variations and extremes in meteorological factors, affect not just yield, but also grain co...
Sve su učestalije godine u kojima dominiraju produljeni periodi suše u kombinaciji s visokim tempera...