Samozbijajući beton može ispuniti svako mjesto i svaki kut u oplati samo pod djelovanjem vlastite težine i bez potrebe za vibriranjem. Kako bi se postiglo svojstvo samozbijanja, pasta, mort i beton u cjelini moraju biti stabilni i konzistencije unutar određenih granica. Beton se mora lako preoblikovati, a da pri tome ne dolazi do segregacija na bilo kojem nivou veličine zrna. Visoka trajnost postiže se izborom niskog vodovezivnog faktora, što je moguće jedino upotrebom superplastifikatora. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada napravljene su 3 različite vrste betonskih mješavina. Prikazani su i analizirani rezultati ispitivanja samozbijajućeg betona projektiranog prema metodi jednostavnog projektiranja sastava u svježem i očvrslom stanju.Self-comp...
Ever since its introduction and increasingly widespread use since the early nineties, new mix design...
Concrete could be a versatile broadly used construction material. Since concrete remains recognized ...
The present study focus on the systematic design methodology for producing a self-compacting concret...
U radu je prikazana usporedba svojstava samozbijajućeg i običnog vibriranog betona, pri čemu su se o...
Samozbijajući beton (SZB) je beton koji se sam zbija i ispunjava oplatu bez upotrebe vibracijskih ur...
My bachelor thesis is about a development of self-compacting concrete. The main advantage of this me...
[Excerpt] Self-compacting concrete (SCC) has as its main advantage the assurance of the durability o...
Razvoj samozbijajućeg betona doveo je do povećanja njegove upotrebe, zamjenjujući tako sve više obič...
This paper addresses experiments and theories on Self-Compacting Concrete. First, the features of ‘‘...
Self-compacting concrete is suitable for placing in formwork with congested reinforcement without vi...
The tremendous growth in population, globalization and industrialization have led to the development...
The increasing use of self-compacting concrete (SCC) in the construction industry should be assured ...
The article is completely focused on the upto date development on composite materials with different...
Ever since its introduction and increasingly widespread use since the early nineties, new mix design...
Metody projektowania i wykonania betonu samozagęszczalnego są w dużym stopniu analogiczne jak betonu...
Ever since its introduction and increasingly widespread use since the early nineties, new mix design...
Concrete could be a versatile broadly used construction material. Since concrete remains recognized ...
The present study focus on the systematic design methodology for producing a self-compacting concret...
U radu je prikazana usporedba svojstava samozbijajućeg i običnog vibriranog betona, pri čemu su se o...
Samozbijajući beton (SZB) je beton koji se sam zbija i ispunjava oplatu bez upotrebe vibracijskih ur...
My bachelor thesis is about a development of self-compacting concrete. The main advantage of this me...
[Excerpt] Self-compacting concrete (SCC) has as its main advantage the assurance of the durability o...
Razvoj samozbijajućeg betona doveo je do povećanja njegove upotrebe, zamjenjujući tako sve više obič...
This paper addresses experiments and theories on Self-Compacting Concrete. First, the features of ‘‘...
Self-compacting concrete is suitable for placing in formwork with congested reinforcement without vi...
The tremendous growth in population, globalization and industrialization have led to the development...
The increasing use of self-compacting concrete (SCC) in the construction industry should be assured ...
The article is completely focused on the upto date development on composite materials with different...
Ever since its introduction and increasingly widespread use since the early nineties, new mix design...
Metody projektowania i wykonania betonu samozagęszczalnego są w dużym stopniu analogiczne jak betonu...
Ever since its introduction and increasingly widespread use since the early nineties, new mix design...
Concrete could be a versatile broadly used construction material. Since concrete remains recognized ...
The present study focus on the systematic design methodology for producing a self-compacting concret...