The New Cern-Isolde Online Mass-Separator Facility at the Ps-Booster

  • Kugler, E.
  • Fiander, D.
  • Jonson, Bj\uf6rn
  • Haas, H.
  • Przewloka, A.
  • Ravn, H. L.
  • Simon, D. J.
  • Zimmer, K.
Publication date
January 1992
Elsevier BV


The ISOLDE on-line isotope separators have been operated since 1967 at the CERN-SC. This 600 MeV proton synchro-cyclotron had to be shut down in December 1990 after 33 years of service and it was decided to move ISOLDE to a new experimental area. The new on-line mass-separator facility is now under construction at the CERN PS-Booster. This accelerator provides an average current of about 2-mu-A of 1 GeV protons in very short high intensity pulses at low repetition rate. The beam can hit either one of the two target stations, the general purpose separator (GPS), a reconstructed ISOLDE-2 type machine (which can deliver beams simultaneously into three beam lines), and the high resolution separator (HRS), which is essentially the slightly modif...

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