Biološki odgovor prirodnih populacija sjevernojadranskog škampa Nephrops norvegicus na akumulirane teške metale (arsen, krom, mangan, kadmij, olovo, živa) istraživan je na 144 jedinke oba spola u 3 veličinske kategorije i 6 organa, na dvije lokacije i sezone. Akumulacija metala ovisi o samom metalu te je tkivno i veličinski specifična te ovisi o sezoni i lokaciji. Sadržaj metalotioneina i reaktivnih kisikovih vrsta mora prelaziti graničnu vrijednost (200 µg/g metalotioneina, 40 µM/mg ROS) u više od 15% istraživane populacije ukoliko se želi utvrditi prisustvo zagađenja. Aktivnost acetilkolinesteraze mora biti manja od granične vrijednosti (1.8 nmol/min/mg proteina). Povećan je rizik od izloženosti škampa arsenu i živi zbog njegove velike ak...
In this study, concentrations of heavy metals were determined in the tissues of fish species (S. sol...
Marine environment in the Laizhou Bay is potentially contaminated by metals from industrial discharg...
The amphipod crustacean Talitrus saltator, an established biomonitor of trace metal bioavailabilitie...
Biološki odgovor prirodnih populacija sjevernojadranskog škampa Nephrops norvegicus na akumulirane t...
Akvatični organizmi predstavljaju vrlo značajan izvor bjelančevina i esencijalnih masnih kiselina u ...
Metallothioneins content was investigated in digestive gland of two wild-caught Norway lobster Nephr...
U tkivima škampa Nephrops norvegicus, koncentracije esencijalnih elemenata mogle bi varirati u odnos...
1). Heavy metal concentrations in sea water and sediment vary widely in different parts of the world...
Su ortamında kirliliği izlerken organizmaların kullanılması, günümüzde en çok tercih edilen hem su ...
Background: Today the consequences of taking metal ions especially heavy metals on human health and ...
Zn, Cd, Cr, Hg, As (total), Cu, Pb, and Ni levels of the deepwater rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longiros...
Nephrops norvegicus were exposed simultaneously to cadmium, copper and zinc over an 18-day, period. ...
Seafood is the main source of exposure to heavy metals and arsenic, though fish consumption is enco...
PubMedID: 8975822Norway lobsters, Nephrops norvegicus were exposed for 18 days to combinations of ca...
Background: The occumulation of heavy metals which are as the results of industrial, urban and agric...
In this study, concentrations of heavy metals were determined in the tissues of fish species (S. sol...
Marine environment in the Laizhou Bay is potentially contaminated by metals from industrial discharg...
The amphipod crustacean Talitrus saltator, an established biomonitor of trace metal bioavailabilitie...
Biološki odgovor prirodnih populacija sjevernojadranskog škampa Nephrops norvegicus na akumulirane t...
Akvatični organizmi predstavljaju vrlo značajan izvor bjelančevina i esencijalnih masnih kiselina u ...
Metallothioneins content was investigated in digestive gland of two wild-caught Norway lobster Nephr...
U tkivima škampa Nephrops norvegicus, koncentracije esencijalnih elemenata mogle bi varirati u odnos...
1). Heavy metal concentrations in sea water and sediment vary widely in different parts of the world...
Su ortamında kirliliği izlerken organizmaların kullanılması, günümüzde en çok tercih edilen hem su ...
Background: Today the consequences of taking metal ions especially heavy metals on human health and ...
Zn, Cd, Cr, Hg, As (total), Cu, Pb, and Ni levels of the deepwater rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longiros...
Nephrops norvegicus were exposed simultaneously to cadmium, copper and zinc over an 18-day, period. ...
Seafood is the main source of exposure to heavy metals and arsenic, though fish consumption is enco...
PubMedID: 8975822Norway lobsters, Nephrops norvegicus were exposed for 18 days to combinations of ca...
Background: The occumulation of heavy metals which are as the results of industrial, urban and agric...
In this study, concentrations of heavy metals were determined in the tissues of fish species (S. sol...
Marine environment in the Laizhou Bay is potentially contaminated by metals from industrial discharg...
The amphipod crustacean Talitrus saltator, an established biomonitor of trace metal bioavailabilitie...