Napredak u razumijevanju i poznavanju molekularnih puteva rasta i razvoja tumora bubrega doveo je do razvoja čitavog niza lijekova kojima je danas moguće liječiti oboljele od ove bolesti. Brojne kliničke studije dokazale su učinkovitost novih terapija. Svakodnevna primjena posljednjih dostignuća svjetske znanosti omogućava ostvarenje jednog od primarnih onkoloških ciljeva, a to je izlječenje pacijenata ili pretvaranje ove teške bolesti u dugotrajnu kroničnu bolest.Improvement in knowledge of molecular pathways of growth and developement of malignant kidney cancer has led to development of a number of efficient drugs. In this way the treatment of this condition nowadays is possible and successfull as documented by many clinical trials. New w...
The incidence of oesophageal cancer has not changed in the last years, neither in the world nor in S...
After completed treatment, either surgical or combined treatment of colorectal carcinoma, it is nece...
Medullary thyroid cancer is a rare, neuroendocrine, tumor. It arises from parafollicular or C-cells ...
Napredak u razumijevanju i poznavanju molekularnih puteva rasta i razvoja tumora bubrega doveo je do...
Tumori bubrega čine 2–3% svih malignih bolesti u ljudi. Karcinom bubrega najčešća je solidna novotvo...
Targeted therapy has been the standard of care for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma ...
The incidence of carcinoma of the oesophagus in Slovenia is small and has not changed in years. The ...
Svjetlostanični tip karcinoma bubrežnih stanica najčešći je oblik raka bubrega. Klinički je uglavnom...
Breme raka pri nas in po svetu postopoma narašča. Za uspešno obvladovanje raka je ključnega pomena r...
Retrospektivnom studijom obrađeno je 150 odraslih bolesnika operiranih zbog karcinoma bubrežnog pare...
The incidence of oesophageal cancer has not changed in the last years, neither in the world nor in S...
Sistemska antitumorska terapija (kemoterapija, imunoterapija, hormonalna terapija) oblik je liječenj...
Učinili smo analizu operiranih bolesnika na našoj klinici u 10 godišnjem razdoblju zbog karcinoma bu...
Medularni karcinom ščitnice nastane iz nevroendokrinih celic ščitnice, ki izločajo kalcitonin. Kalci...
The incidence of carcinoma of the oesophagus in Slovenia is small and has not changed in years. The ...
The incidence of oesophageal cancer has not changed in the last years, neither in the world nor in S...
After completed treatment, either surgical or combined treatment of colorectal carcinoma, it is nece...
Medullary thyroid cancer is a rare, neuroendocrine, tumor. It arises from parafollicular or C-cells ...
Napredak u razumijevanju i poznavanju molekularnih puteva rasta i razvoja tumora bubrega doveo je do...
Tumori bubrega čine 2–3% svih malignih bolesti u ljudi. Karcinom bubrega najčešća je solidna novotvo...
Targeted therapy has been the standard of care for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma ...
The incidence of carcinoma of the oesophagus in Slovenia is small and has not changed in years. The ...
Svjetlostanični tip karcinoma bubrežnih stanica najčešći je oblik raka bubrega. Klinički je uglavnom...
Breme raka pri nas in po svetu postopoma narašča. Za uspešno obvladovanje raka je ključnega pomena r...
Retrospektivnom studijom obrađeno je 150 odraslih bolesnika operiranih zbog karcinoma bubrežnog pare...
The incidence of oesophageal cancer has not changed in the last years, neither in the world nor in S...
Sistemska antitumorska terapija (kemoterapija, imunoterapija, hormonalna terapija) oblik je liječenj...
Učinili smo analizu operiranih bolesnika na našoj klinici u 10 godišnjem razdoblju zbog karcinoma bu...
Medularni karcinom ščitnice nastane iz nevroendokrinih celic ščitnice, ki izločajo kalcitonin. Kalci...
The incidence of carcinoma of the oesophagus in Slovenia is small and has not changed in years. The ...
The incidence of oesophageal cancer has not changed in the last years, neither in the world nor in S...
After completed treatment, either surgical or combined treatment of colorectal carcinoma, it is nece...
Medullary thyroid cancer is a rare, neuroendocrine, tumor. It arises from parafollicular or C-cells ...