Die Marantaceae (550 Arten) sind eine weltweit verbreitete Familie von Stauden und Lianen aus dem Unterwuchs tropischer Tieflandregenwälder. Der morphologisch-ökologische Vergleich des basal abzweigenden Sarcophrynium-Astes mit dem in abgeleiteter Position stehenden Marantochloa-Ast, soll beispielhaft evolutionäre Muster in der Familie beleuchten. So wird in der Doktorarbeit zum ersten Mal ein Überblick über die Blütenbiologie und Phylogenie von rund 30 der 40 afrikanischen Marantaceae Arten präsentiert. Die Analysen basieren auf Daten von drei mehrmonatigen Feldaufenthalten in Gabun jeweils zwischen September und Januar. Vier Blütentypen werden beschrieben, die jeweils mit einer spezifischen Bestäubergilde verbunden sind (kleine, mittlere...
As angiospermas são um dos grupos mais diversos de organismos, e grande parte dessa diversidade deve...
Kniphofia, a genus of approximately 71 species, is almost entirely African with two species occurrin...
Die Familie Hyacinthaceae umfasst ca. 900-1000 Arten und wird in vier monophyletische Unterfamilien ...
Die Marantaceae (550 Arten) sind eine weltweit verbreitete Familie von Stauden und Lianen aus dem Un...
The Marantaceae Petersen (31 genera; ~530 ssp. Andersson, 1998) are a pantropically (80% America; 11...
Marantaceae are the second largest family in the order Zingiberales, with approximately 31 genera an...
Gene flow within and between species is a fundamental process shaping the evolutionary history of ta...
Background and Aims: Many African genera of the Amaranthaceae exhibit unique inflorescences that inc...
Nowadays, comparative ecology approach is widely used to understand mechanisms of speciation. In evo...
Pollination and seed dispersal are important ecological processes for the regeneration of plant popu...
Baobabs (Adansonia) are a cohesive group of tropical trees with a disjunct distribution in Australia...
With over 700 species, the Pavetteae are one o f the largest tribes in the subfamily Dialypetalantho...
The flowers of Marantaceae (∼550 species) exhibit a highly derived pollination mechanism within Zing...
A família Moraceae é extremamente bem representada em número de indivíduos e espécies em florestas n...
Les Néotropiques représentent un réservoir exceptionnel de biodiversité mais l'origine de cette dive...
As angiospermas são um dos grupos mais diversos de organismos, e grande parte dessa diversidade deve...
Kniphofia, a genus of approximately 71 species, is almost entirely African with two species occurrin...
Die Familie Hyacinthaceae umfasst ca. 900-1000 Arten und wird in vier monophyletische Unterfamilien ...
Die Marantaceae (550 Arten) sind eine weltweit verbreitete Familie von Stauden und Lianen aus dem Un...
The Marantaceae Petersen (31 genera; ~530 ssp. Andersson, 1998) are a pantropically (80% America; 11...
Marantaceae are the second largest family in the order Zingiberales, with approximately 31 genera an...
Gene flow within and between species is a fundamental process shaping the evolutionary history of ta...
Background and Aims: Many African genera of the Amaranthaceae exhibit unique inflorescences that inc...
Nowadays, comparative ecology approach is widely used to understand mechanisms of speciation. In evo...
Pollination and seed dispersal are important ecological processes for the regeneration of plant popu...
Baobabs (Adansonia) are a cohesive group of tropical trees with a disjunct distribution in Australia...
With over 700 species, the Pavetteae are one o f the largest tribes in the subfamily Dialypetalantho...
The flowers of Marantaceae (∼550 species) exhibit a highly derived pollination mechanism within Zing...
A família Moraceae é extremamente bem representada em número de indivíduos e espécies em florestas n...
Les Néotropiques représentent un réservoir exceptionnel de biodiversité mais l'origine de cette dive...
As angiospermas são um dos grupos mais diversos de organismos, e grande parte dessa diversidade deve...
Kniphofia, a genus of approximately 71 species, is almost entirely African with two species occurrin...
Die Familie Hyacinthaceae umfasst ca. 900-1000 Arten und wird in vier monophyletische Unterfamilien ...