Swathing peas on the Pete Olson farm southeast of Moscow early 1900s. George O'Connor has turned the corner and Fred Lewis approaching. Looking north
Joe Phillips cutting grain on his farm about seven miles northwest of Moscow at the Idaho-Washington...
Joe Phillips and his neighbor cutting grain on the Phillips farm early 1900s. Looking southwest at t...
Photograph of Herb Nelson showing his field consisting of wheat and Austrian Winter peas mixed with ...
Swathing peas on the Pete Olson farm southeast of Moscow early 1900s. Left to right: Arthur (Shorty)...
Fred Pitzen combine outfit harvesting peas on his farm about three miles northeast of Moscow. Peas a...
Threshing peas on Arnold Lyons farm using a Fordson tractor to power the thresher. Lyons at left, Ge...
Load of peas at thresher on Arnold Lyons' farm. Drive belt in foreground. Henry Weeks and Zelema O'C...
G.P. (Gub) Mix farm northwest edge of Moscow. Plowing with seven outfits about 1908. Hodgins photo b...
Photograph of a group of about 5 people picking peas on the Hammel and Denker ranch, Bevery Hills, w...
Looking west at the Skattaboe farm in 1925 when farmed by Clifford M. Ott. Peas in the foreground an...
University of Idaho, College of Agriculture, Extension Division, Extension bulletin No. 085, 1932
Looking west at the Skattaboe farm north of the Northern Pacific Railroad in 1925 when farmed by Cli...
Photograph of an UNIDENTIFED man with horse drawn equipment plowing under Austrian Winter peas as a ...
Finland. Harvesting Oats on Small Farm. Central part. (1937)https://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/sca...
Columbia Basin Project, Irrigation Division, Pasco Settlers. Sowing oats on the Keith Cunningham far...
Joe Phillips cutting grain on his farm about seven miles northwest of Moscow at the Idaho-Washington...
Joe Phillips and his neighbor cutting grain on the Phillips farm early 1900s. Looking southwest at t...
Photograph of Herb Nelson showing his field consisting of wheat and Austrian Winter peas mixed with ...
Swathing peas on the Pete Olson farm southeast of Moscow early 1900s. Left to right: Arthur (Shorty)...
Fred Pitzen combine outfit harvesting peas on his farm about three miles northeast of Moscow. Peas a...
Threshing peas on Arnold Lyons farm using a Fordson tractor to power the thresher. Lyons at left, Ge...
Load of peas at thresher on Arnold Lyons' farm. Drive belt in foreground. Henry Weeks and Zelema O'C...
G.P. (Gub) Mix farm northwest edge of Moscow. Plowing with seven outfits about 1908. Hodgins photo b...
Photograph of a group of about 5 people picking peas on the Hammel and Denker ranch, Bevery Hills, w...
Looking west at the Skattaboe farm in 1925 when farmed by Clifford M. Ott. Peas in the foreground an...
University of Idaho, College of Agriculture, Extension Division, Extension bulletin No. 085, 1932
Looking west at the Skattaboe farm north of the Northern Pacific Railroad in 1925 when farmed by Cli...
Photograph of an UNIDENTIFED man with horse drawn equipment plowing under Austrian Winter peas as a ...
Finland. Harvesting Oats on Small Farm. Central part. (1937)https://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/sca...
Columbia Basin Project, Irrigation Division, Pasco Settlers. Sowing oats on the Keith Cunningham far...
Joe Phillips cutting grain on his farm about seven miles northwest of Moscow at the Idaho-Washington...
Joe Phillips and his neighbor cutting grain on the Phillips farm early 1900s. Looking southwest at t...
Photograph of Herb Nelson showing his field consisting of wheat and Austrian Winter peas mixed with ...