Based on the reduction property of dielectric spectra associated with the power-law function [∼(jωτ)±ν] that appears in the frequency domain, one can develop an effective procedure for detection of different reduced motions (described by the corresponding power-law exponents) in temperature domain. If the power-law exponent ν is related to characteristic relaxation time τ by the relationship ν=ν0 ln(τ/τs)/ln(τ/τ0) (here τs, τ0 are the characteristic times characterizing a movement over fractal cluster that is defined in Ref. [Ya.E. Ryabov, Yu. Feldman, J. Chem. Phys. 116 (2002) 8610]) and the simple temperature dependence of τ(T)=τA exp(E/T) obeys the traditional Arrhenius relationship, then one can prove that any extreme point figuring in ...