頭蓋内類表皮腫摘出後に嚥下障害を生じた発達障害児(初診時8歳5カ月,女児)に対し,耳鼻咽喉科医師と連携し,Videofluorography(以下VF)による診断に基づき口腔内に装置を適用し,舌の訓練と嚥下動作の改善を行い,以下の治療効果を得た. 1.舌挙上訓練のため,接歯唇側線およびビーズアタッチメントを取り付けた可撤式の装置による治療を開始した.装置適用6カ月後,開咬の改善とoverjetの減少および嚥下機能の改善がみられた. 2.初診から1年後,開咬の再発はなかったが,VF検査にて再び嚥下動作に異常がみられたため,食事時にも舌挙上を補助できる固定式の舌挙上装置に変更して治療を継続した. 3.初診2年後のVF検査にて,嚥下機能の改善が確認できた.さらに1年後のVF所見でも嚥下機能が改善した状態が維持されていた. 4.治療により最長で2時間かかっていた食事時間が30分に短縮された. なお,この患児の嚥下障害の原因が判明していないため,装置の必要性、あるいは撤去時期については,注意深く経過観察をしたうえで決定する必要がある.We treated dysphagia that presented after intracranial epidermoid tumor removal in a developmentally disabled child (female, aged 8 years 5 months at the time of initiale xamination).An intraoral appliance followed by a tongue-lifting device were used to improve swallowing ba...
applicationWhen treating Angle Class II division 1 malocclusion, mesial movement of the maxillary po...
As a preliminary experiment on the development of a multifunctional communication system using the e...
A case of membranous nephropathy with crescents in rheumatoid arthritis is reported. This patient wa...
application/pdf【緒言】丹毒は,発熱とともに皮膚に出現する浮腫性紅斑を主症状とする真皮の化膿性炎症性疾患であるが,歯性感染症が原因と考えられる顔面丹毒の報告は少ない. 今回われわれは,右...
注意欠陥/多動性障害(Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ; AD/HD)および広汎性発達障害(Pervasive Developmental Disor...
In order to investigate the frequency of postgastrectomy syndrome in patients with benign gastroduod...
The effects of nozzle orifice size and configuration on smoke emission were examined experimentally ...
Fully developed laminar heat transfer of a Newtonian fluid in a concentric annulus with an axially m...
Konsche Siberreaktion (Kon : Silberreaktion der Zellen - Gustav Fischer) ist eine histochemische met...
It is important that the resident understand their earthquake hazard in the region to improve the di...
I MEDSPECT is a medical mass spectrometer for continuous in-vivo measurement of tissue, blood and re...
applicationWhen treating Angle Class II division 1 malocclusion, mesial movement of the maxillary po...
As a preliminary experiment on the development of a multifunctional communication system using the e...
A case of membranous nephropathy with crescents in rheumatoid arthritis is reported. This patient wa...
application/pdf【緒言】丹毒は,発熱とともに皮膚に出現する浮腫性紅斑を主症状とする真皮の化膿性炎症性疾患であるが,歯性感染症が原因と考えられる顔面丹毒の報告は少ない. 今回われわれは,右...
注意欠陥/多動性障害(Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ; AD/HD)および広汎性発達障害(Pervasive Developmental Disor...
In order to investigate the frequency of postgastrectomy syndrome in patients with benign gastroduod...
The effects of nozzle orifice size and configuration on smoke emission were examined experimentally ...
Fully developed laminar heat transfer of a Newtonian fluid in a concentric annulus with an axially m...
Konsche Siberreaktion (Kon : Silberreaktion der Zellen - Gustav Fischer) ist eine histochemische met...
It is important that the resident understand their earthquake hazard in the region to improve the di...
I MEDSPECT is a medical mass spectrometer for continuous in-vivo measurement of tissue, blood and re...
applicationWhen treating Angle Class II division 1 malocclusion, mesial movement of the maxillary po...
As a preliminary experiment on the development of a multifunctional communication system using the e...
A case of membranous nephropathy with crescents in rheumatoid arthritis is reported. This patient wa...