Ross\u27 Goose. A single bird came to Heartwell Lake (in the Hastings area) in mid-December 1995 and has been here up to now (4 April 1996). It is not injured and flies well, but it has chosen to stay because Hastings uses a device to keep the water open. I threw food out especially to the little goose because the larger domestic ducks chase it away. It is so used to me by now that it will come to within 12-15 feet of me. I walk to the lake nearly every day, and the wild Mallards, Lesser Scaups, Ringnecked Ducks, Canvasbacks, and Redheads also come for food. Ring-necked Duck. On 16 December 1995 at about 2:30 P.M., a duck on a small pond on the east side of the Pfizer Co., 601 W Cornhusker Hwy, Lincoln, was observed from a vehicle with Niko...