The foreign experience in selecting the financial ratios for financial statement analysis has been summarized. To apply an integrated approach to financial ratio analysis has been suggested.Узагальнено зарубіжний досвід відбору фінансових коефіцієнтів для проведення аналізу фінансової звітності суб’єктів господарювання. Запропоновано застосовувати інтегрований підхід до коефіцієнтного аналізу фінансової звітності суб’єктів господарської діяльності.Обобщен зарубежный опыт отбора финансовых коэффициентов для проведения анализа финансовой отчетности субъектов хозяйствования. Предложено применять интегрированный подход к коэффициентному анализу финансовой отчетности субъектов хозяйственной деятельности
Due to the need of unification of the information supply of the systemof public finance functioning ...
The article studies the features of organization and holding of measures concerning the counteract...
Global financial crisis changed methods of financial innovations’ evaluation which had been using fo...
This article evaluates the financial security of the enterprise through integrated parameter examine...
Investment of funds in securities for profit, is a high-risk “activities” from the point of view of ...
The article deals with the concept of financial instruments, given the economic characteristics and ...
Through expert survey observer’s opinion concerning the choice of safe mechanisms of financial suppo...
The article investigates the theoretical and practical aspects of financial planning businesses and ...
This article examines the provision of information of the financial and economic (business) analysis...
The main prerequisites of marketing development in the financial market are systematized. Here is de...
The article presents the methodological aspect of the analysis of the newest class of studies of the...
Світова фінансова криза та погіршення макроекономічних показників України у 2008-2009 рр. вимагають...
Якісно нові підходи до управління ліквідністю запропоновано Базельським комітетом у «Принципах ефек...
Considering consequences of the financial crisis a particular attention should be given not to issue...
There are considered the principles and models of government control of financialand credit activity...
Due to the need of unification of the information supply of the systemof public finance functioning ...
The article studies the features of organization and holding of measures concerning the counteract...
Global financial crisis changed methods of financial innovations’ evaluation which had been using fo...
This article evaluates the financial security of the enterprise through integrated parameter examine...
Investment of funds in securities for profit, is a high-risk “activities” from the point of view of ...
The article deals with the concept of financial instruments, given the economic characteristics and ...
Through expert survey observer’s opinion concerning the choice of safe mechanisms of financial suppo...
The article investigates the theoretical and practical aspects of financial planning businesses and ...
This article examines the provision of information of the financial and economic (business) analysis...
The main prerequisites of marketing development in the financial market are systematized. Here is de...
The article presents the methodological aspect of the analysis of the newest class of studies of the...
Світова фінансова криза та погіршення макроекономічних показників України у 2008-2009 рр. вимагають...
Якісно нові підходи до управління ліквідністю запропоновано Базельським комітетом у «Принципах ефек...
Considering consequences of the financial crisis a particular attention should be given not to issue...
There are considered the principles and models of government control of financialand credit activity...
Due to the need of unification of the information supply of the systemof public finance functioning ...
The article studies the features of organization and holding of measures concerning the counteract...
Global financial crisis changed methods of financial innovations’ evaluation which had been using fo...