The goal of the present article is to draw attention to the fact that the impact of an image is related not only to its content but also to the form. The results of various pieces of research in this area are discussed. The article concentrates on the emotional effects of individual visual elements and presents data about the effect of several most important elements: colour, shape and size. For example, the data of various studies show that colour images, in comparison to the uncoloured ones, are more emotionally arousing. Moreover, some colours evoke more positive emotions than others, a rounded form is considered to be more positive than an angular one, and big pictures are more emotionally arousing than small ones. In addition, the arti...
The aim of this work was to write present knowledge in recognizing emotions from the pictures. It al...
Most consumer images serve emotional functions as well as informational ones. The impression of an i...
We investigated the relationship between image properties and emotion elicited. Using close-shaped d...
It is known that emotions can be evoked not only by an image as a whole, but also by individual attr...
Yra žinoma, kad emocijas gali sukelti ne tik vaizdas kaip visuma, bet ir pavieniai vaizdo elementai....
Darbo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti spalvos ir formos sąveikos ypatumus, sąlygojančius skirtingus emocij...
Darba tēma ir ‘’Krāsu un emociju attiecības vizuālajā komunikācijā: dažādu vecumposmu salīdzinoša an...
Cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvoření série osmi grafických plakátů na téma "Emocionální účinek a...
AbstractThe interactive structure of software applications involves multiple facets of graphic desig...
International audienceThis paper proposes a method to extract the emotional impact of images. Emotio...
Cilvēki izmanto saskarnes katru dienu, vairākas reizes dienā, ir svarīgi domāt ne tikai par saskarne...
Images can convey rich semantics and evoke strong emotions in viewers. The research of my PhD thesis...
Krāsu izraisītās emocijas saskarnēs ir līdz šim Latvijā maz pētīta tēma, taču tā kā dažādu e-pakalpo...
Many scholars believe that news images affect public opinion about political and social issues. Prev...
Értekezésem bevezetését követően a hatásmechanizmusokal foglalkozom, ahol rövidebben a környezeti h...
The aim of this work was to write present knowledge in recognizing emotions from the pictures. It al...
Most consumer images serve emotional functions as well as informational ones. The impression of an i...
We investigated the relationship between image properties and emotion elicited. Using close-shaped d...
It is known that emotions can be evoked not only by an image as a whole, but also by individual attr...
Yra žinoma, kad emocijas gali sukelti ne tik vaizdas kaip visuma, bet ir pavieniai vaizdo elementai....
Darbo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti spalvos ir formos sąveikos ypatumus, sąlygojančius skirtingus emocij...
Darba tēma ir ‘’Krāsu un emociju attiecības vizuālajā komunikācijā: dažādu vecumposmu salīdzinoša an...
Cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvoření série osmi grafických plakátů na téma "Emocionální účinek a...
AbstractThe interactive structure of software applications involves multiple facets of graphic desig...
International audienceThis paper proposes a method to extract the emotional impact of images. Emotio...
Cilvēki izmanto saskarnes katru dienu, vairākas reizes dienā, ir svarīgi domāt ne tikai par saskarne...
Images can convey rich semantics and evoke strong emotions in viewers. The research of my PhD thesis...
Krāsu izraisītās emocijas saskarnēs ir līdz šim Latvijā maz pētīta tēma, taču tā kā dažādu e-pakalpo...
Many scholars believe that news images affect public opinion about political and social issues. Prev...
Értekezésem bevezetését követően a hatásmechanizmusokal foglalkozom, ahol rövidebben a környezeti h...
The aim of this work was to write present knowledge in recognizing emotions from the pictures. It al...
Most consumer images serve emotional functions as well as informational ones. The impression of an i...
We investigated the relationship between image properties and emotion elicited. Using close-shaped d...