Šio straipsnio tikslas pasiūlyti rizikos analizės metodiką ir rizikos valdymo modelį, adekvačiai tinkančius pramoninio pobūdžio verslo projektams, pateikiant tokiems projektams adekvačią įvairių rizikos rūsių klasifikaciją. Be to straipsnyje analizuojami tokie rizikos analizės metodai, kaip jautrumo analizė, nenuostolingumo analizė, formalizuotas neapibrėžtumo aprašymas, remiantis scenarijų analise ir Monte-Karlo metodu nagrinėjami rizikos sumažinimo metodai, tokie kaip rizikos draudimas, dalinių rizikų neutralizavimas, rizikos paskirstymas tarp projekto dalyvių, rizikos sumažinimas finansavimo planavimu.Lithuania's economy transformation to a market economy extremely increased enterprise's risk. Transition from producer market to consumer ...
Risk is a complex phenomenon that has physical, monetary, cultural and social dimensions. Every comp...
The thesis contains risk analysis of the investment construction projects. The theoretical part is f...
The results of the investment projects are dependent on the quality of project preparation in the pr...
Lithuanian economy transformation into a market economy extremely increased the risk of enterprises....
Risk analysis and management is nowadays a critical factor to successful construction project manage...
Tyrimo objektas - investicijų projektų rizika ir jos valdymas. Tyrimo dalykas – investicijų projektų...
Předložená práce je zaměřena na posouzení rizik v investičním projektu. Po charakteristice základníc...
This thesis is focused on assessing the economic risk for the investor in the implementation of the ...
The risk signifies the possibility of existence of one situation in which the obtainedresults are fa...
The purpose of this article is to scientifically and methodically substantiate and improve the mecha...
Risk analysis and management is nowadays a critical factor to successful construction project manage...
The paper presents risk assessment of construction projects. The assessment is based on the multi‐at...
The article presents risk management model in the planning of development projects of industrial ent...
Risk and uncertainty are inherent aspects of each project. Effective project planning should include...
Making the investment decisions means making some of the most subtle and most important decisions wi...
Risk is a complex phenomenon that has physical, monetary, cultural and social dimensions. Every comp...
The thesis contains risk analysis of the investment construction projects. The theoretical part is f...
The results of the investment projects are dependent on the quality of project preparation in the pr...
Lithuanian economy transformation into a market economy extremely increased the risk of enterprises....
Risk analysis and management is nowadays a critical factor to successful construction project manage...
Tyrimo objektas - investicijų projektų rizika ir jos valdymas. Tyrimo dalykas – investicijų projektų...
Předložená práce je zaměřena na posouzení rizik v investičním projektu. Po charakteristice základníc...
This thesis is focused on assessing the economic risk for the investor in the implementation of the ...
The risk signifies the possibility of existence of one situation in which the obtainedresults are fa...
The purpose of this article is to scientifically and methodically substantiate and improve the mecha...
Risk analysis and management is nowadays a critical factor to successful construction project manage...
The paper presents risk assessment of construction projects. The assessment is based on the multi‐at...
The article presents risk management model in the planning of development projects of industrial ent...
Risk and uncertainty are inherent aspects of each project. Effective project planning should include...
Making the investment decisions means making some of the most subtle and most important decisions wi...
Risk is a complex phenomenon that has physical, monetary, cultural and social dimensions. Every comp...
The thesis contains risk analysis of the investment construction projects. The theoretical part is f...
The results of the investment projects are dependent on the quality of project preparation in the pr...