Religijne i edukacyjne konteksty amerykańskiej polityki asymilacyjnej wobec mniejszości etnicznych i tubylczych Amerykanów

  • Drozdowicz, Jarema
Publication date
January 2011
Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze


Jarema Drozdowicz – THE RELIGIOUS BASIS OF THE AMERICAN ASSIMILATION POLICY IN THE CONTEXT OF EDUCATION OF ETHNIC MINORITIES AND NATIVE AMERICANS This paper examines the problem of cultural assimilation policy in the Unites States. It stresses out the fact, that the ways of dealing with Native Americans or various ethnic minorities lie upon a religious basis. The religious foundation of that policy reaches back to the emergence of the Amer-ican society and the American state itself. Protestant and puritan character of the policy towards Indians in the New World was reflected in the most significant form in educational institutions. The so called „Indian schools” (later known as „boarding schools”) were institutions where the assimilation w...

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