An analogy between the images of two persons, Timotheus, son of Conon, and Philip of Macedon, in writings of Isocrates is the subject of the article. Isocrates saw them as the commanders of the Panhellenist expedition against Persia. The question is studied on the basis of two works of Isocrates – Antidosis, where we find an apology of Isocrates’ pupil, Timotheus, and Philippus which the Athenian orator directed to the king of Macedonia. This study contains an analysis of characteristics that, in Isocrates’ opinion, are necessary for the commander of the future expedition of all Greek cities.Isocrate était l’un des Athéniens qui apercevoyaient les périls par lesquels étaient menacés les Hellènes du IV siècle avant J.-Chr. Les conflit...