We are developing long-period seismographs to add to our radio tele-recording seismograph system. The whole plan for long-period seismograph development is shown in Table 1. A horizotal seismsograph of type No. 1 in the table was designed and constructed. This seismograph has a high sensibility displacement transducer, shunt capacitance for lengthening period of pendulum, and high gain R-C coupled amplifier. The records are made by an ink writing galvanometer of 0.03 sec period. The magnification of seismograph is approximately 500 for a period of 30 sec, while its response covers periods from 1 to 50 sec. (cf. Fig. 5) The appearance of the pendulum is shown in Fig. 1. The free period of the pendulum is 1.5 seconds, and the mass is 200 gr. ...