The long wave around the breakwater for the case of lateral incidence of the invading wave (along the breakwater) is discussed through the numerical calculation. The calculated waves are the RST (resultant) wave, the reflected wave from the leeward breakwater for the model of the double breakwater wings, and the RST wave for the model of the single breakwater wing, the last of which is based on Stoker\u27s theory (Stoker, 1965). The most conspicuous feature is an appearance of the reflected (emitting) wave from the nearby part of the terminus of the leeward breakwater for the model of the twin breakwaters.|本報告においては防波堤の近傍における長波(横入射の場合)が数値計算を通して論じられている.計算は防波堤が間隙をもつ(二の防波堤の)場合における合成波(resultant wave),および風下側の防波堤よりの反射波,更に単一防波堤の場合における合成波に対してなされている....