We explore the application of the domain wall fermion formalism of lattice QCD to calculate the K ⃗ ππ decay amplitudes in terms of the K + →π + and K 0 →0 hadronic matrix elements through relations derived in chiral perturbation theory. Numerical simulations are carried out in quenched QCD using the domain-wall fermion action for quarks and a renormalization group-improved gauge action for gluons on a 16 3 ×32×16 and 24 3 ×32×16 lattice at β=2.6 corresponding to the lattice spacing 1/a≈2GeV. Quark loop contractions which appear in Penguin diagrams are calculated by the random noise method, and the ΔI=1/2 matrix elements which require subtractions with the quark loop contractions are obtained with a statistical accuracy of about 10%. We inv...