可視・近赤外スペクトルの測定により、ゼラチン法による渋味判定法で取得される濁度について、非破壊的に推定する方法を検討した。供試果実には、新潟県内5か所の産地から生産者3戸ずつ計15戸の生産者から集めた290果を用いた。670と730nm の吸光度二次微分値を説明変数とした検量線を用いて、等分散性を考慮したデータセット(以下,試験1)、ランダムに選抜した5組のデータセット(以下,試験2)の濁度推定を実施した。試験1でSEP は0.235、試験2ではSEP は0.215~0.244であった。また試験2における濁度の実測値と推定値の単相関係数は0.44~0.52であった。This study aimed to develop nondestructive techniques based on near-infrared absorption spectroscopy for theestimation of turbidity that is acquired when determining astringency with the gelatin method. For this study, 290 pearswere collected. The samples were harvested from three farmers of five areas in Niigata prefecture, comprising a total of 15areas. Two data sets were analyzed as: a homoscedastic data set(Test 1), five series of selected random data set(...
Soluble solid content (SSC) and acidity (pH) are two important factors indicating the fruit quality ...
It has been proved that the imbalance of the proportion of elements of ‘Huangguan’ pears in the pulp...
The determination of strawberry fruit quality through the traditional destructive lab techniques has...
収穫後に低温(5℃・7日間)またはエチレン(5000ppm・24時間)処理したセイヨウナシ‘ル レクチェ’の果実において,外気温で追熟させた時の果実の果皮色(赤道部およびていあ部),果肉硬度,可溶性固...
Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy is a nondestructive, rapid, real-time analysis...
The early symptoms of cork spot disorder in 'Akizuki' pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) are challenging t...
激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)在植物样品上面的应用是一个较新的课题. 为将LIBS技术能实际应用于与食品安全相关的领域,实验中对三种真空冻干水果样品进行了初步LIBS实验研究,鉴别了其LIBS光谱,并选...
本研究は、追熟開始後のセイヨウナシ'ル レクチエ'の果実におけるエチレン処理の影響を評価するために、果実重、果皮色、果肉硬度およびエチレン生成量の変化を測定した。エチレン処理区の果実重の割合は、対照区...
[EN] Early control of fruit quality requires reliable and rapid determination techniques. Therefore,...
Consumer awareness of the health value of native and tropical fruits and its products, is increasing...
Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy allows rapid estimation of quality traits in fresh fruit. Several p...
本計畫主要目的是利用「可攜式水果內部品質檢測設備(K-BA 100SP」,配合具外銷潛力之重要水果及國產水果,建立栽種期﹝自開花到採收﹞糖度標準,以提供農民在栽種期改善果品品質的依據,並利用此設備配合...
The processing of açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) and juçara (Euterpe edulis Mart) fruit requires wate...
The processing of acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) and jucara (Euterpe edulis Mart) fruit requires wate...
The consumption of pears has increased, thanks not only to their delicious and juicy flavor, but als...
Soluble solid content (SSC) and acidity (pH) are two important factors indicating the fruit quality ...
It has been proved that the imbalance of the proportion of elements of ‘Huangguan’ pears in the pulp...
The determination of strawberry fruit quality through the traditional destructive lab techniques has...
収穫後に低温(5℃・7日間)またはエチレン(5000ppm・24時間)処理したセイヨウナシ‘ル レクチェ’の果実において,外気温で追熟させた時の果実の果皮色(赤道部およびていあ部),果肉硬度,可溶性固...
Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy is a nondestructive, rapid, real-time analysis...
The early symptoms of cork spot disorder in 'Akizuki' pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) are challenging t...
激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)在植物样品上面的应用是一个较新的课题. 为将LIBS技术能实际应用于与食品安全相关的领域,实验中对三种真空冻干水果样品进行了初步LIBS实验研究,鉴别了其LIBS光谱,并选...
本研究は、追熟開始後のセイヨウナシ'ル レクチエ'の果実におけるエチレン処理の影響を評価するために、果実重、果皮色、果肉硬度およびエチレン生成量の変化を測定した。エチレン処理区の果実重の割合は、対照区...
[EN] Early control of fruit quality requires reliable and rapid determination techniques. Therefore,...
Consumer awareness of the health value of native and tropical fruits and its products, is increasing...
Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy allows rapid estimation of quality traits in fresh fruit. Several p...
本計畫主要目的是利用「可攜式水果內部品質檢測設備(K-BA 100SP」,配合具外銷潛力之重要水果及國產水果,建立栽種期﹝自開花到採收﹞糖度標準,以提供農民在栽種期改善果品品質的依據,並利用此設備配合...
The processing of açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) and juçara (Euterpe edulis Mart) fruit requires wate...
The processing of acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) and jucara (Euterpe edulis Mart) fruit requires wate...
The consumption of pears has increased, thanks not only to their delicious and juicy flavor, but als...
Soluble solid content (SSC) and acidity (pH) are two important factors indicating the fruit quality ...
It has been proved that the imbalance of the proportion of elements of ‘Huangguan’ pears in the pulp...
The determination of strawberry fruit quality through the traditional destructive lab techniques has...