A triploid Pteris ×sefuricola n.n. (P. multifida × P. cretica) was discovered in Ehime Prefecture. The chromosome complement of the triploid seems to consist of two genomes of sexual tetraploid P. multifida (mainly short chromosomes) and one genome of P. cretica (mainly long ones). However, diploid sexual P. cretica has not been recorded so far in Japan. Since 32 well-filled spores are produced in many sporangia, the triploid would propagate by apogamy. We suggest some possible ways to generate this apogamous hybrid
福山市内の土壌から集積培養法によってレゾルシンを唯一の炭素源として生育する細菌5株が分離された。その中でレゾルシンに最も良好に生育するNo.138株はPseudomonas putidaと同定された。...
高知県沿岸で養殖されていたブリSeriola quinqueradiata 幼魚2尾の筋肉に大型吸虫の寄生を認めた。この吸虫は各尾に1個体が寄生し,生時の体長約7–15mm で,わが国の養殖カンパチか...
Genome researches in Rosaceae fruit trees carried out in Europe, U.S.A. and Japan are summarized and...
Taraxacum maruyamanum is a diploid dandelion endemic to the Oki Islands, western Japan. Morita(1995)...
To obtain breeding materials for biomass production, Miscanthus sacchariflorus were searched and col...
In this article, I transcribe recorded material, in which, for the most part, a folktale is told in ...
The number of stored-product insects captured by traps at the outdoors was examined from November 20...
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)はDorigoに提案されて以降,様々なアルゴリズムの拡張が行われている。従来のACOでは個々のアリが独自の情報を持つことは無く,グローバルな情...
CALLIP, a CALCOMP compatible Fortran 77 library using the Canon LIPS3 page description lan-guage, ha...
We explored for taro (Colocasia esculenta Shott.) germplasm in the northwest region of Vietnam from ...
We got the grant in Special Aid for Educational/Research Purpose (Kyoiku/Kenkyu Tokubetsu Josei) fro...
In northern regions such as Hokkaido (Japan), sugar beet seedlings soon after germination often suff...
福山市内の土壌から集積培養法によってレゾルシンを唯一の炭素源として生育する細菌5株が分離された。その中でレゾルシンに最も良好に生育するNo.138株はPseudomonas putidaと同定された。...
高知県沿岸で養殖されていたブリSeriola quinqueradiata 幼魚2尾の筋肉に大型吸虫の寄生を認めた。この吸虫は各尾に1個体が寄生し,生時の体長約7–15mm で,わが国の養殖カンパチか...
Genome researches in Rosaceae fruit trees carried out in Europe, U.S.A. and Japan are summarized and...
Taraxacum maruyamanum is a diploid dandelion endemic to the Oki Islands, western Japan. Morita(1995)...
To obtain breeding materials for biomass production, Miscanthus sacchariflorus were searched and col...
In this article, I transcribe recorded material, in which, for the most part, a folktale is told in ...
The number of stored-product insects captured by traps at the outdoors was examined from November 20...
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)はDorigoに提案されて以降,様々なアルゴリズムの拡張が行われている。従来のACOでは個々のアリが独自の情報を持つことは無く,グローバルな情...
CALLIP, a CALCOMP compatible Fortran 77 library using the Canon LIPS3 page description lan-guage, ha...
We explored for taro (Colocasia esculenta Shott.) germplasm in the northwest region of Vietnam from ...
We got the grant in Special Aid for Educational/Research Purpose (Kyoiku/Kenkyu Tokubetsu Josei) fro...
In northern regions such as Hokkaido (Japan), sugar beet seedlings soon after germination often suff...
福山市内の土壌から集積培養法によってレゾルシンを唯一の炭素源として生育する細菌5株が分離された。その中でレゾルシンに最も良好に生育するNo.138株はPseudomonas putidaと同定された。...
高知県沿岸で養殖されていたブリSeriola quinqueradiata 幼魚2尾の筋肉に大型吸虫の寄生を認めた。この吸虫は各尾に1個体が寄生し,生時の体長約7–15mm で,わが国の養殖カンパチか...
Genome researches in Rosaceae fruit trees carried out in Europe, U.S.A. and Japan are summarized and...