Multiphotonen-Tomographie ist eine nicht-invasive, klinisch zugelassene Untersuchungsmethode basierend auf Femtosekunden-Lasern im nahen Infrarot. Hautareale werden mit subzellulärer Auflösung (<1 μm) abgebildet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden neue Erweiterungen der Multiphotonen-Tomographie vorgestellt. Eine neue Laserquelle mit GHz-Repetitionsraten sowie Fokussieroptiken mit größerem Bildfeld (Millimeter-Bereich) erweitern den Anwendungsbereich. Risikoabschätzungen ergeben, dass beide Techniken an humaner Haut ohne Gefahr von instantanen Schädigungen anwendbar sind. Die zeitliche Charakteristik der Fluoreszenz enthält Informationen über die molekulare Umgebung eines Fluorophors. Eine neue Auswertungsmethode der zeitaufgelösten Bil...
This review summarizes the historical and more recent developments of multiphoton microscopy, as app...
High resolution optical tomography studies on topically applied probes and UVA exposed skin were per...
Multiphoton excited tissue fluorescence summarises the emission of all naturally occurring endogenou...
Multiphoton laser microscopy is a new, non-invasive technique providing access to the skin at a cell...
A minimally invasive imaging modality that provides both cellular and extracellular structural infor...
The development of clinical multiphoton technologies has led to new, labelfree approaches for non-in...
Multiphoton laser tomography (MPT) combined with fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) is a non-invas...
The work presented in this thesis employed multiphoton microscopy of tissue autofluorescence to inve...
The incidence of malignant melanoma has shown a dramatic increase over the past three decades. Patie...
Einleitung: Die Multiphotonentomographie ist ein bildgebendes Verfahren auf subzellulärer Ebene, da...
Clinical multiphoton tomography and two-photon micro-endoscopy provide clinicians and researchers wi...
In recent years, the non-linear optical imaging technique of multiphoton microscopy has gained signi...
Multiphoton laser tomography (MPT) combined with fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) is a non-invas...
Hintergrund: Nichtmelanome Hauttumoren (NMSC) stellen die häufigsten malignen Neoplasien der Haut da...
Multiphoton imaging has developed into an important technique for in-vivo research in life sciences....
This review summarizes the historical and more recent developments of multiphoton microscopy, as app...
High resolution optical tomography studies on topically applied probes and UVA exposed skin were per...
Multiphoton excited tissue fluorescence summarises the emission of all naturally occurring endogenou...
Multiphoton laser microscopy is a new, non-invasive technique providing access to the skin at a cell...
A minimally invasive imaging modality that provides both cellular and extracellular structural infor...
The development of clinical multiphoton technologies has led to new, labelfree approaches for non-in...
Multiphoton laser tomography (MPT) combined with fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) is a non-invas...
The work presented in this thesis employed multiphoton microscopy of tissue autofluorescence to inve...
The incidence of malignant melanoma has shown a dramatic increase over the past three decades. Patie...
Einleitung: Die Multiphotonentomographie ist ein bildgebendes Verfahren auf subzellulärer Ebene, da...
Clinical multiphoton tomography and two-photon micro-endoscopy provide clinicians and researchers wi...
In recent years, the non-linear optical imaging technique of multiphoton microscopy has gained signi...
Multiphoton laser tomography (MPT) combined with fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) is a non-invas...
Hintergrund: Nichtmelanome Hauttumoren (NMSC) stellen die häufigsten malignen Neoplasien der Haut da...
Multiphoton imaging has developed into an important technique for in-vivo research in life sciences....
This review summarizes the historical and more recent developments of multiphoton microscopy, as app...
High resolution optical tomography studies on topically applied probes and UVA exposed skin were per...
Multiphoton excited tissue fluorescence summarises the emission of all naturally occurring endogenou...