Due to the different herbicide efficiency to certain weed species, herbicide choice is predominantly conditioned by weed community composition. The second reason for herbicide choice is their depressive action in soybean crop, i.e. herbicide selectivity toward the cultivated plant. Taking into consideration both reasons for herbicide choice, demands for herbicides efficiency and selectivity must also be met.Izbor herbicida je prvenstveno uslovljen sastavom korovske zajednice, s obzirom na njihovu različitu efikasnost na pojedine korovske vrste. Drugi momenat kod izbora herbicida je njihovo depresivno delovanje na usev soje, tj. selektivnost prema gajenoj biljci. Uzimajući u obzir oba momenta kod izbora herbicida, moraju biti zadovoljeni i z...
A three-year field experiment was conducted in soybean on lessive pseudogley soil at Čačinci localit...
Primena herbicida u sklopu integrisanog sistema suzbijanja korova mora biti urađena tako da se pos...
. The effectiveness of herbicide to control weeds is determined by type and dosage of herbicide. Th...
The object of the present research was investigation in soybean crop using 15 post-em herbicides. He...
Creeping Thistle (Cirsium arvense) control in wheat crops is usual problem in Serbia. During the yea...
The objectives of the present research were to determine the effect of a single application of herbi...
Mogućnost i postizanje dobre efikasnosti u kontroli korova je za poljoprivrednu praksu veoma važan...
The response of four inbred lines, parental components of ZP maize hybrids, to effects of six herbic...
Weed control is achieved only by utilizing herbicides and adequate agro-technical measures for wheat...
V poljskem poskusu smo preizkušali delovanje herbicidov za zatiranje plevelov v posevku navadne soje...
Weed resistance is more and more becoming a problem under intense agricultural conditions. Recognizi...
Poljski pokusi provedeni su na poljoprivrednim površinama Hrvatskog centra za poljoprivredu, hranu i...
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učinkovitost herbicida i njihovih kombinacija u preporučenoj i smanjenoj ...
The paper deals with the efficiency of applied herbicides and its different combination on weed synu...
U intenzivnoj ratarskoj proizvodnji je uobičajena upotreba sredstava za zaštitu bilja. S druge str...
A three-year field experiment was conducted in soybean on lessive pseudogley soil at Čačinci localit...
Primena herbicida u sklopu integrisanog sistema suzbijanja korova mora biti urađena tako da se pos...
. The effectiveness of herbicide to control weeds is determined by type and dosage of herbicide. Th...
The object of the present research was investigation in soybean crop using 15 post-em herbicides. He...
Creeping Thistle (Cirsium arvense) control in wheat crops is usual problem in Serbia. During the yea...
The objectives of the present research were to determine the effect of a single application of herbi...
Mogućnost i postizanje dobre efikasnosti u kontroli korova je za poljoprivrednu praksu veoma važan...
The response of four inbred lines, parental components of ZP maize hybrids, to effects of six herbic...
Weed control is achieved only by utilizing herbicides and adequate agro-technical measures for wheat...
V poljskem poskusu smo preizkušali delovanje herbicidov za zatiranje plevelov v posevku navadne soje...
Weed resistance is more and more becoming a problem under intense agricultural conditions. Recognizi...
Poljski pokusi provedeni su na poljoprivrednim površinama Hrvatskog centra za poljoprivredu, hranu i...
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učinkovitost herbicida i njihovih kombinacija u preporučenoj i smanjenoj ...
The paper deals with the efficiency of applied herbicides and its different combination on weed synu...
U intenzivnoj ratarskoj proizvodnji je uobičajena upotreba sredstava za zaštitu bilja. S druge str...
A three-year field experiment was conducted in soybean on lessive pseudogley soil at Čačinci localit...
Primena herbicida u sklopu integrisanog sistema suzbijanja korova mora biti urađena tako da se pos...
. The effectiveness of herbicide to control weeds is determined by type and dosage of herbicide. Th...