Text se zamýšlí nad možnostmi využití intersekcionálního přístupu při tematizování zkušenosti stárnutí LGBT jednotlivců. Poukazuje na to, že otázky spojené se stárnutí LGBT osob byly (a jsou) systematicky zneviditelňovány v rámci gerontologie i queer a feministických teorií. Zatímco v rámci gerontologie je toto zneviditelnění zapříčiněné především heteronormativitou diskurzů o stárnutí, v rámci queer teorií tato neviditelnost pramení především ze stále obtížnější možnosti nakládat s věkem či sexuální identitu jako s kategoriemi, jež by zakládaly skupinovou identitu a opravňovaly tak k možnosti artikulovat potřeby LGBT seniorů/rek jako specifické skupiny. Text nejprve diskutuje potřebu dekonstruovat představu LGBT seniorů/rek jako homogenní ...
Middle and older age are usually ignored in the studies of the processes of coming out. This paper a...
Głównym tematem pracy jest sposób postrzegania zjawiska starości i samych osób starszych w społeczno...
The population is ageing and, according to demographers, this phenomenon will be subject to even gre...
Issues of sexuality have been considerably under-studied in the analysis of later life in social ger...
Non-normative old age? Are there elderly men and women with a non-normative gender identity: questio...
This study is based on life-course interviews with 20 LGBTQ-identified people, born between 1922 and...
The spatial studies of both sexualities and gerontology have been established as subfields within th...
This study is based on life-course interviews with 20 LGBTQ-identified people, born between 1922 and...
A growing body of literature is challenging understanding of sexuality in later life. The dominance ...
Abstract The concept of a woman's value, possibilities and visibility within the world being linked ...
To date there has been minimal empirical inquiry on what may constitute inclusive learning environme...
This paper examines the potential of queer ideas for social gerontology and aged care practice. It o...
To date there has been minimal empirical inquiry on what may constitute inclusive learning environme...
Cílem předkládané diplomové práce je poskytnout vhled do problematiky sexuality seniorů v domovech p...
Bakgrund: Gruppen äldre icke-heterosexuella i Sverige beräknas omfatta 80 000 personer. I sjuksköter...
Middle and older age are usually ignored in the studies of the processes of coming out. This paper a...
Głównym tematem pracy jest sposób postrzegania zjawiska starości i samych osób starszych w społeczno...
The population is ageing and, according to demographers, this phenomenon will be subject to even gre...
Issues of sexuality have been considerably under-studied in the analysis of later life in social ger...
Non-normative old age? Are there elderly men and women with a non-normative gender identity: questio...
This study is based on life-course interviews with 20 LGBTQ-identified people, born between 1922 and...
The spatial studies of both sexualities and gerontology have been established as subfields within th...
This study is based on life-course interviews with 20 LGBTQ-identified people, born between 1922 and...
A growing body of literature is challenging understanding of sexuality in later life. The dominance ...
Abstract The concept of a woman's value, possibilities and visibility within the world being linked ...
To date there has been minimal empirical inquiry on what may constitute inclusive learning environme...
This paper examines the potential of queer ideas for social gerontology and aged care practice. It o...
To date there has been minimal empirical inquiry on what may constitute inclusive learning environme...
Cílem předkládané diplomové práce je poskytnout vhled do problematiky sexuality seniorů v domovech p...
Bakgrund: Gruppen äldre icke-heterosexuella i Sverige beräknas omfatta 80 000 personer. I sjuksköter...
Middle and older age are usually ignored in the studies of the processes of coming out. This paper a...
Głównym tematem pracy jest sposób postrzegania zjawiska starości i samych osób starszych w społeczno...
The population is ageing and, according to demographers, this phenomenon will be subject to even gre...