The subject of the article focuses on speech disorders in Alzheimer’s dementia. The article is a case study of an 86-year-old man –a charge of the Self-help Home for People with Alzheimer’s Disease in Lodz, Poland. The content of the publication was devoted to theoretical issues related to Alzheimer’s disease as well as detailed diagnosis and speech therapy of the examined patient. The description of the research results was preceded by a discussion of the research methodology used by the author. The aim of the publication was to present a qualitative analysis of speech disorders in a chosen patient with Alzheimer’s dementia, and to present the therapeutic procedure suggested by the author. The stage of patient’s dementia is at a moderate l...
Choroba Alzheimera może prowadzić do niedożywienia i kacheksji, których przyczyny są złożone. Autorz...
The article addresses the issue of speech-language therapy in the case of preschool and early school...
Zaburzenia snu są istotnym, lecz często zaniedbywanym elementem obrazu klinicznego choroby Alzheimer...
The article presents the case study of 85-year-old man with the early stage Alzheimer’s dementia. Th...
The aim of the project is to develop guidelines for the diagnosis and therapy of residents of N...
Present article concerns socio-cultural consequences of clinical diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome. ...
The problem of dementia is one of the leading health and social problems in the world. Difficult dis...
This article is devoted to the case study of a 80‑year‑old patient with sensory‑motor aphasia. The m...
Choroba Alzheimera (AD, Alzheimer’s disease) jest najczęstszą, postępującą chorobą neurodegeneracyjn...
Steele‑Richardson‑Olszewski syndrome also known as progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a neurode...
The article presents therapeutic actions toward restoring linguistic and communicative competence, a...
In the aging population vascular and degenerative nervous system diseases leading to cognitive funct...
Choroba Alzheimera (AD, Alzheimer’s disease) jest najbardziej powszechnym schorzeniem neurozwyrodnie...
W rozdziale przedstawiono różne pozafarmakologiczne metody stymulacji funkcji poznawczych u osób z o...
Subjective well-being of the elderly in selected researchSelected results of the research on differe...
Choroba Alzheimera może prowadzić do niedożywienia i kacheksji, których przyczyny są złożone. Autorz...
The article addresses the issue of speech-language therapy in the case of preschool and early school...
Zaburzenia snu są istotnym, lecz często zaniedbywanym elementem obrazu klinicznego choroby Alzheimer...
The article presents the case study of 85-year-old man with the early stage Alzheimer’s dementia. Th...
The aim of the project is to develop guidelines for the diagnosis and therapy of residents of N...
Present article concerns socio-cultural consequences of clinical diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome. ...
The problem of dementia is one of the leading health and social problems in the world. Difficult dis...
This article is devoted to the case study of a 80‑year‑old patient with sensory‑motor aphasia. The m...
Choroba Alzheimera (AD, Alzheimer’s disease) jest najczęstszą, postępującą chorobą neurodegeneracyjn...
Steele‑Richardson‑Olszewski syndrome also known as progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a neurode...
The article presents therapeutic actions toward restoring linguistic and communicative competence, a...
In the aging population vascular and degenerative nervous system diseases leading to cognitive funct...
Choroba Alzheimera (AD, Alzheimer’s disease) jest najbardziej powszechnym schorzeniem neurozwyrodnie...
W rozdziale przedstawiono różne pozafarmakologiczne metody stymulacji funkcji poznawczych u osób z o...
Subjective well-being of the elderly in selected researchSelected results of the research on differe...
Choroba Alzheimera może prowadzić do niedożywienia i kacheksji, których przyczyny są złożone. Autorz...
The article addresses the issue of speech-language therapy in the case of preschool and early school...
Zaburzenia snu są istotnym, lecz często zaniedbywanym elementem obrazu klinicznego choroby Alzheimer...