The Influence of Adventure Education in Physical Education on Sstudents' Creative Thinking Tendency

  • 黃筱卉
  • 李朝信
  • 李俊杰
  • Hsiao-Hui Huang
  • Chao-Hsing Lee
  • Nchun-Chieh Lee


[[abstract]]  本研究目的為探討實施探索教育課程對國中生創造性思考傾向之影響。以立意取樣選取台北市某國中共40位七年級學生為研究對象,實施『探索教育活動課程』;實施八週,每周一節課,四種教案分二循環實施。研究工具採用林幸台、王木榮(1994)根據美國學者Williams所編之「創造力評量組合」加以修訂而成的「威廉斯創造傾向量表」。對學生進行前後測,其相依樣本t檢定統計分析後發現:受試學生在冒險性後測成績顯著優於前測成績;學生在好奇性後測成績顯著優於前測成績;學生在挑戰性後測成績顯著優於前測成績;學生在整體創造性思考傾向後測成績顯著優於前測成績。實施探索教育課程,有助學生於創造性思考傾向上的發展。創造性思考傾向的發展,是可以經由實施探索教育課程來提升的。   The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of adventure education in physical education on students` creative thinking tendency. The participants were 40 7(superscript th) grade junior high school students in Taipei city. The 4 lessons were intervened for 8 weeks, and each lesson was met once a week. The participants completed the Williams Creativity Tendency Scale before and after the inter...

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