Aims: This study aimed to determine the predictors of physical activity (PA) behavior in obese and overweight women in Borazjan district, south of Iran based on social cognitive theory (SCT). Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study was conducted on 398 obese or overweight middle-aged women referring to comprehensive health centers in Borazjan city. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version-22 and descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results: Based on Pearson correlation analysis, the constructs of SCT including self-efficacy, self-regulation, outcome-expectations and perceived social-support from family and friends were related to physical activit...
Abstract Background The promotion of physical activity among an overweight/obese population is an im...
Purpose: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesized structural paths in Bandura's social-cog...
This research aims to identify the predictive factors related to the initiation and sustaining of re...
Introduction: Obesity and being overweight are serious health problems worldwide. One of the most ef...
Introduction: Physical activity is one of the most fundamental health promoting behaviors influenced...
Introduction: This cross-sectional study was carried out on 400 women selected from urban health cen...
Background & Objective: Obesity is an important health problem that is dramatically increasing in de...
Abstract Background This study examined how socio-demographic characteristics constructs derived fro...
Chronic disease interventions for women have been understudied in the workplace domain. Understandin...
Aims: Inactivity among Iranian women is higher than in Iranian men. Since teachers are exposed to oc...
Menopause marks the beginning of a period of life transition involving important health changes (Nor...
(1) Background: Generally suggested public health measures to reduce obesity were to limit televisio...
Physical inactivity is a leading contributor to the burden of disease in men. Social–cognitive theor...
Physical activity is important for the health of all individuals, however, the determinants of physi...
Background and Objectives: The amount of physical activity as an essential determinant of healthy li...
Abstract Background The promotion of physical activity among an overweight/obese population is an im...
Purpose: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesized structural paths in Bandura's social-cog...
This research aims to identify the predictive factors related to the initiation and sustaining of re...
Introduction: Obesity and being overweight are serious health problems worldwide. One of the most ef...
Introduction: Physical activity is one of the most fundamental health promoting behaviors influenced...
Introduction: This cross-sectional study was carried out on 400 women selected from urban health cen...
Background & Objective: Obesity is an important health problem that is dramatically increasing in de...
Abstract Background This study examined how socio-demographic characteristics constructs derived fro...
Chronic disease interventions for women have been understudied in the workplace domain. Understandin...
Aims: Inactivity among Iranian women is higher than in Iranian men. Since teachers are exposed to oc...
Menopause marks the beginning of a period of life transition involving important health changes (Nor...
(1) Background: Generally suggested public health measures to reduce obesity were to limit televisio...
Physical inactivity is a leading contributor to the burden of disease in men. Social–cognitive theor...
Physical activity is important for the health of all individuals, however, the determinants of physi...
Background and Objectives: The amount of physical activity as an essential determinant of healthy li...
Abstract Background The promotion of physical activity among an overweight/obese population is an im...
Purpose: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesized structural paths in Bandura's social-cog...
This research aims to identify the predictive factors related to the initiation and sustaining of re...