Mitigation of Lane Departure Crashes in the Pacific Northwest through Coordinated Outreach - Phase II

  • Hurwitz, David
  • Barlow, Zachary
  • Abdel-Rahim, Ahmed
  • Belz, Nathan
  • Boyle, Linda
  • Hajibabai, Leila
Publication date
January 2018


There are multiple approaches available to roadway safety officials to reduce the 17,000 average annual fatalities that occur because of roadway departure crashes (FHWA 2016). One of these approaches is educating the driving public about the safety issues associated with a roadway departure through outreach efforts and public service announcements (PSAs). To engage the public in the Pacific Northwest about lane departure crashes, PacTrans supported a high school and college student competition to develop PSAs related to lane departure crashes. This deliverable constitutes Phase II of the project which includes implementation of the competition that was planned in Phase I. The competition involved high school and college students in the Paci...

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