This paper studies the nonlinear responses of a coupled transmission towerline system on a heterogeneous site subjected to multi-component spatially varying ground motions. The three-dimensional finite element model of the transmission tower-line system is established with consideration of the geometric nonlinearity of the transmission lines. The spatial variation of ground motions associated with the wave passage, coherency loss and local site effects are considered. The spatial ground motions on ground surface are derived by modelling the base rock motion propagating through the local soil sites. The base rock motions are assumed consisting of out-ofplane and in-plane waves and are simulated stochastically based on an empirical coherency ...
It is commonly accepted that multi-scale structures are subject to spatially variable seismic motion...
Report No. CCEER 02-2This report focuses on analyzing the influence of three factors: geometric inco...
This paper presents a novel approach to model and simulate the multi-support depth-varying seismic m...
The collapses of transmission towers in large earthquakes were partially caused by the pulling force...
Collapses of transmission towers were often observed in previous large earthquakes such as the Chi-C...
The seismic control of power transmission tower-line coupled system subjected to multicomponent exci...
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work i...
A hybrid deterministic and stochastic method is developed to estimate the spatial variation of seism...
Spatial variation of seismic ground motions is caused by incoherence effect, wave passage, and local...
An analytical model for determining the differential ground motion during an earthquake is develope...
In this paper, the dynamic behavior of a group of transmission towers linked together through electr...
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work i...
This paper investigates seismic response of a realistic large dimension steel trussed arch structure...
The transmission tower-line system is widely used in electric infrastructures across the world and g...
The transmission line towers are one of the important life line structures in the distribution of po...
It is commonly accepted that multi-scale structures are subject to spatially variable seismic motion...
Report No. CCEER 02-2This report focuses on analyzing the influence of three factors: geometric inco...
This paper presents a novel approach to model and simulate the multi-support depth-varying seismic m...
The collapses of transmission towers in large earthquakes were partially caused by the pulling force...
Collapses of transmission towers were often observed in previous large earthquakes such as the Chi-C...
The seismic control of power transmission tower-line coupled system subjected to multicomponent exci...
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work i...
A hybrid deterministic and stochastic method is developed to estimate the spatial variation of seism...
Spatial variation of seismic ground motions is caused by incoherence effect, wave passage, and local...
An analytical model for determining the differential ground motion during an earthquake is develope...
In this paper, the dynamic behavior of a group of transmission towers linked together through electr...
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work i...
This paper investigates seismic response of a realistic large dimension steel trussed arch structure...
The transmission tower-line system is widely used in electric infrastructures across the world and g...
The transmission line towers are one of the important life line structures in the distribution of po...
It is commonly accepted that multi-scale structures are subject to spatially variable seismic motion...
Report No. CCEER 02-2This report focuses on analyzing the influence of three factors: geometric inco...
This paper presents a novel approach to model and simulate the multi-support depth-varying seismic m...