Dunite from New Caledonia displays three types of serpentine-dominated veins. The earliest, type 1 veins are narrow (50–100 μm wide) and rarely extend across more than a single olivine grain. They are lizardite, contain abundant brucite and never contain magnetite. Type 2 veins are 0.01 to 0.1 mm wide, extend across several olivine grains and cut across the type 1 veins. They are lizardite, contain magnetite, often in vein interiors, and contain less brucite than type 1 veins. Type 3 veins are dominantly chrysotile, cm-scale, have a magnetite-rich core, and extend for meters or more. Analyses of two representative samples indicate that the type 1 veins have relatively Fe-rich serpentine (XMg = 0.92) and brucite (XMg = 0.82). These minerals ...