Untersuchungen zu anthropogenen Einflüssen auf die fluviale Morphodynamik und die Verteilung erhöhter Spurenelementgehalte in kleinen Flusseinzugsgebieten: das Beispiel der Wurm, Flussgebietseinheit Maas

  • Buchty-Lemke, Michael Andreas
Publication date
January 2018


This thesis broaches the issue of the anthropogenic impact on fluvial morphodynamics and the distribution of elevated trace element contents in floodplain sediments of a low-order stream by the example of the Wurm River. The investigation period is 1810 to 2012, covering the early industrial to post-industrial eras. The Wurm River is a left tributary of the Rur River within the River Basin District Meuse. The catchment size covers an area of approximately 350 km²; stream length is approximately 57 km. The headwater is encompassed by the city of Aachen, an old industrial and heavily urbanized region, bearing a variety of sources for potentially toxic trace elements (PTE) that have emitted pollutants since the Middle Ages. By means of differe...

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