Contents of this eNews issue include: Message from the Dean (Lorin D. Warnick); Latest News: New course trains veterinary students to protect pollinators (Robin Radcliffe); Device to corral viable sperm may speed IVF process (Soon Hon Cheong), CVM researchers uncover hidden player in gut growth (Natasza Kurpios) ; September trivia question: The Baker Institute for Animal Health was founded in 1950. What was its original name?; [2018 Salmon Award] Earnest and hardworking, N. Bruce Haynes, DVM '52 earns posthumous Salmon Award; Community Notes: Many voices one college; Pedal for Pets October 20 2018, New York State Fair; New York State Veterinary Conference, Hellos and goodbyes; CVM in the News: Chronic wasting disease's effects are far reach...