A monstrous figure glares out at the viewer from a red-orange background, with scissors on his horns.monster figure with scissors on horn
This film poster presented the 1986 Czechoslovakian film, Dobre Oświetlenie, directed by Karel Kachy...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Le Coule-sang is a poisonous serpent that lives off of the blood...
Theater poster for the play "Szczesliwe Wydarzenie (A Happy Event)" by Sławomir Mrożek at the Teatr ...
An abstract figure of a horned man.https://commons.und.edu/uac-all/4436/thumbnail.jp
This is a theater poster for "The Devils of Loudun," and has a frightening black and white horned fi...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.This monster was vomited out by a man complaining of heart pain....
This theater poster for Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's "Faust" features a profile of a monster-like cr...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of a Thanacth being hunted. The Thanacth is a monster with...
This poster for the stage adaptation of Polish folk tale "Pan Twardowski" features a devil-like crea...
This detail view shows the statue's head which is covered with curly hair. The inlaid eyes are visib...
Theater poster for Polish play "Diably (Devils)" at Targa Theater in Warsaw features a blue demon wi...
A figure with a red face, black horns, and a red star on a black cape stares out from the right side...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Full caption reads "Figure d'un Monstre fort hideux ayant les ma...
The fear of being devoured is one of the fantasies most deeply held in the human psyche, as in its m...
Film poster for Italian film "The Damned" (subtitled "Zmierzch Bogow (Twilight of the Gods)") featur...
This film poster presented the 1986 Czechoslovakian film, Dobre Oświetlenie, directed by Karel Kachy...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Le Coule-sang is a poisonous serpent that lives off of the blood...
Theater poster for the play "Szczesliwe Wydarzenie (A Happy Event)" by Sławomir Mrożek at the Teatr ...
An abstract figure of a horned man.https://commons.und.edu/uac-all/4436/thumbnail.jp
This is a theater poster for "The Devils of Loudun," and has a frightening black and white horned fi...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.This monster was vomited out by a man complaining of heart pain....
This theater poster for Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's "Faust" features a profile of a monster-like cr...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of a Thanacth being hunted. The Thanacth is a monster with...
This poster for the stage adaptation of Polish folk tale "Pan Twardowski" features a devil-like crea...
This detail view shows the statue's head which is covered with curly hair. The inlaid eyes are visib...
Theater poster for Polish play "Diably (Devils)" at Targa Theater in Warsaw features a blue demon wi...
A figure with a red face, black horns, and a red star on a black cape stares out from the right side...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Full caption reads "Figure d'un Monstre fort hideux ayant les ma...
The fear of being devoured is one of the fantasies most deeply held in the human psyche, as in its m...
Film poster for Italian film "The Damned" (subtitled "Zmierzch Bogow (Twilight of the Gods)") featur...
This film poster presented the 1986 Czechoslovakian film, Dobre Oświetlenie, directed by Karel Kachy...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Le Coule-sang is a poisonous serpent that lives off of the blood...
Theater poster for the play "Szczesliwe Wydarzenie (A Happy Event)" by Sławomir Mrożek at the Teatr ...