Visual function and its specialization at the level of the retina were studied in 13 species of stomatopod crustaceans, representing three superfamilies: Gonodactyloidea, Lysiosquilloidea, and Squilloidea. We measured attenuation and irradiance spectra in the environment of each species, at the actual depths and times of activity where we observed individuals. We also characterized die intrarhabdomal niters of all study species and determined the absolute spectral sensitivity functions and approximate photon capture rates of all photoreceptor classes below the level of the 8th retinular cell in seven of these species. Shallow-water gonodactyloid species have four distinct classes of intrarhabdomal filters, producing photoreceptors that are ...
The compound eyes of mantis shrimps, a group of tropical marine crustaceans, incorporate principles ...
Both vertebrates and invertebrates commonly exploit photonic structures adjacent to their photorecep...
Larvae of decapod and stomatopod crustaceans possess paired compound eyes not unlike those of adult ...
STOMATOPOD crustaceans, commonly named mantis shrimps, have compound eyes of unique design. A centra...
The compound eyes of mantis shrimps (stomatopod crustaceans) include an unparalleled diversity of vi...
1. We examined microspectrophotometrically the retinas of 3 species of stomatopods in the superfamil...
1. Interspecific diversity in the visual pigments of stomatopod crustaceans was characterized using ...
The intrarhabdomal filters in the photoreceptors of compound eyes of 32 species of mantis shrimps (C...
Stomatopods (mantis shrimps) possess one of the most complex eyes in the world with photoreceptors d...
The eyes of stomatopods are the most functionally diverse photoreceptor array found in nature. Thes...
Many species of stomatopod crustaceans have multiple spectral classes of photoreceptors in their ret...
The stomatopod crustaceans, or mantis shrimps, are colourful marine invertebrate predators. Their un...
Light is a primary environmental factor used by aquatic invertebrates for depth selection behavior. ...
and Thomas W. Cronin Stomatopod crustaceans employ unique ultraviolet (UV) optical filters in order ...
Many species of stomatopod crustaceans have multiple spectral classes of photoreceptors in their ret...
The compound eyes of mantis shrimps, a group of tropical marine crustaceans, incorporate principles ...
Both vertebrates and invertebrates commonly exploit photonic structures adjacent to their photorecep...
Larvae of decapod and stomatopod crustaceans possess paired compound eyes not unlike those of adult ...
STOMATOPOD crustaceans, commonly named mantis shrimps, have compound eyes of unique design. A centra...
The compound eyes of mantis shrimps (stomatopod crustaceans) include an unparalleled diversity of vi...
1. We examined microspectrophotometrically the retinas of 3 species of stomatopods in the superfamil...
1. Interspecific diversity in the visual pigments of stomatopod crustaceans was characterized using ...
The intrarhabdomal filters in the photoreceptors of compound eyes of 32 species of mantis shrimps (C...
Stomatopods (mantis shrimps) possess one of the most complex eyes in the world with photoreceptors d...
The eyes of stomatopods are the most functionally diverse photoreceptor array found in nature. Thes...
Many species of stomatopod crustaceans have multiple spectral classes of photoreceptors in their ret...
The stomatopod crustaceans, or mantis shrimps, are colourful marine invertebrate predators. Their un...
Light is a primary environmental factor used by aquatic invertebrates for depth selection behavior. ...
and Thomas W. Cronin Stomatopod crustaceans employ unique ultraviolet (UV) optical filters in order ...
Many species of stomatopod crustaceans have multiple spectral classes of photoreceptors in their ret...
The compound eyes of mantis shrimps, a group of tropical marine crustaceans, incorporate principles ...
Both vertebrates and invertebrates commonly exploit photonic structures adjacent to their photorecep...
Larvae of decapod and stomatopod crustaceans possess paired compound eyes not unlike those of adult ...