Impact of an antifungal stewardship programme in a tertiary respiratory medicine setting: a prospective real-world study

  • Nwankwo, L
  • Periselneris, J
  • Cheong, J
  • Thompson, K
  • Darby, P
  • Leaver, N
  • Schelenz, S
  • Armstrong-James, D
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Publication date
July 2018
American Society for Microbiology
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
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There has been an increase in fungal infections in patients with chronic lung disease over the past decades, which is associated with rapidly increasing costs to healthcare systems.An antifungal stewardship team was introduced to a tertiary cardiopulmonary hospital, consisting of a medical mycologist and pharmacy support providing weekly stewardship ward rounds, twice monthly multidisciplinary team meetings and a dedicated weekly outpatient clinic. A database was set up to record the activity of the stewardship team.During the first eighteen months of implementation the antifungal stewardship team had reviewed 178 patients, with 285 recommendations made to inpatients, and 287 outpatient visits. The commonest diagnoses treated were allergic ...

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