New high-resolution authigenic Be-10/Be-9 ratio (Be-ratio) records covering the last geomagnetic reversal, i.e. the Matuyama-Brushes transition (MBT), have been obtained and set on a time scale using benthic delta O-18 (Cibicides wuellerstorfi) records. The geographic distribution of the four studied sites allows global comparison between the North Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. All Be-ratio records contain a twofold increase triggered by the geomagnetic dipole moment (GDM) collapse associated with the MBT. The stratigraphic position of the Be-ratio spike, relative to marine isotope stages, allows establishment of a robust astrochronological framework for the MBT, anchoring its age between 778 and 766 ka (average mid-peaks at 772 ka),...