Master i folkehelsevitenskap med vekt på endringer av livsstilsvaner, 2018Norsk sammendrag Hensikt og problemstilling Formålet med denne studien var å få et innblikk i hverdagen til somaliske kvinner bosatt i Oslo og undersøke nærmere hvilke barrierer de opplevde til å utøve sunn livsstil. Hovedproblemstillingen ble dermed: ” hvordan forstår og utøver somaliske kvinner sunn livsstil?” Teori Pierre Bourdieu´s teorier om habitus og sosial kapital er det teoretiske rammeverket i oppgaven. I følge Bourdieu kan habitus forklare den kroppslige forankringen av kultur som en prosess der det sosiale blir innleiret i kroppen og hvordan dette vil ha en betydning for endringsprosesser i praksis (Wilken & Andreassen, 2008). I følge Bourdieu omha...
Background: Research on Somalis in Europe tend to focus on poor integration and adaptation of the gr...
Norway is a country that has its own integration policy regarding immigrants. By using the qualitati...
Bakgrunn: Det å migrere kan være en utfordrende overgang, som innebærer å bosette seg i et ukjent la...
Migration constitutes both physical and mental challenges to health. Although Norway is ranked as a ...
Overall aim of the thesis The overall aim of the research was to explore dietary habits, physical ac...
Background: Physical inactivity presents a major public health challenge and is estimated to cause s...
Migration constitutes both physical and mental challenges to health. Although Norway is ranked as a ...
Despite the high prevalence of type 2 diabetes in some immigrant and refugee communities in Norway, ...
Norsk sammendrag Hensikt og problemstilling Formålet med denne studien var å få et innblikk i hverd...
Background Norway is experiencing an increase in overweight/obese adults, with immig...
The last-decade incidence of myocardial infarction (MI) has diminished dramatically in most age gr...
Bakgrund: Invandringen till Sverige har varit hög de senaste åren. Flykten till Sverige är en sva...
Copyright © 2015 Abdi A. Gele et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative C...
This article thematizes how immigrant women experience meeting with health professionals in the heal...
Background: Immigrants are considered globally to be a vulnerable subpopulation. Vulnerable populati...
Background: Research on Somalis in Europe tend to focus on poor integration and adaptation of the gr...
Norway is a country that has its own integration policy regarding immigrants. By using the qualitati...
Bakgrunn: Det å migrere kan være en utfordrende overgang, som innebærer å bosette seg i et ukjent la...
Migration constitutes both physical and mental challenges to health. Although Norway is ranked as a ...
Overall aim of the thesis The overall aim of the research was to explore dietary habits, physical ac...
Background: Physical inactivity presents a major public health challenge and is estimated to cause s...
Migration constitutes both physical and mental challenges to health. Although Norway is ranked as a ...
Despite the high prevalence of type 2 diabetes in some immigrant and refugee communities in Norway, ...
Norsk sammendrag Hensikt og problemstilling Formålet med denne studien var å få et innblikk i hverd...
Background Norway is experiencing an increase in overweight/obese adults, with immig...
The last-decade incidence of myocardial infarction (MI) has diminished dramatically in most age gr...
Bakgrund: Invandringen till Sverige har varit hög de senaste åren. Flykten till Sverige är en sva...
Copyright © 2015 Abdi A. Gele et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative C...
This article thematizes how immigrant women experience meeting with health professionals in the heal...
Background: Immigrants are considered globally to be a vulnerable subpopulation. Vulnerable populati...
Background: Research on Somalis in Europe tend to focus on poor integration and adaptation of the gr...
Norway is a country that has its own integration policy regarding immigrants. By using the qualitati...
Bakgrunn: Det å migrere kan være en utfordrende overgang, som innebærer å bosette seg i et ukjent la...