Oesophageal cancer patients very frequently lose their body weight, which leads to malnutrition and accelerates the development of cachexia. Weight loss and development of malnutrition accelerate the development of cachexia and deteriorate the functional state of patients and their quality of life. Functional state and quality of life of patients thus become worse. This also results in poorer tumour response to treatment, which is accompanied by adverse events and decreased survival. There are numerous causes of weight loss and development of malnutrition in patients with gastrointestinal tumours, which often develop already at the onset of the disease. Therefore, the diagnosis of cachexia and nutritional management of the patient should b...
Palliative care of patients with advanced colorectal cancer represents a comprehensive care of incur...
V zadnjem desetletju smo priča hitremu napredku v razumevanju tumorske biologije in imunologije rako...
Kosti so tretje najpogostejše mesto zasevanja solidnih tumorjev. Zapleti na skeletu kot posledica za...
Bolniki z rakom požiralnika in želodca zelo pogosto izgubljajo telesno maso, kar vodi v podhranjenos...
The first goals of treatment of symptomatic malignomas of the oesophagus include maintenance of the ...
Hypercalcemia is the most common life-threatening metabolic disorder in cancer patients. Solid tumor...
Radiation therapy is an important part of treatment of tumours of the pelvis minor. Late effects can...
Vse več je dokazov, da imajo stari bolniki z rakom dobrobit od specifičnega onkološkega zdravljenja....
In the last decade, we have been witnessing a rapid development of the understanding of tumour biolo...
Kortikosteroidi (KS) se že desetletja uspešno uporabljajo za zmanjševanje obtumorskega edema pri bol...
Hiperkalcemija je najpogostejša presnovna motnja, ki ogroža bolnika z rakom. Najpogostejša je pri so...
The risk of developing secondary colon cancer is larger in patients treated for childhood cancer tha...
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a frequent complication in cancer patients. Treatment of VTE in thes...
Karcinom požiralnika je relativno redka bolezen s slabo prognozo. Namen naše retrospektivne raziskav...
Prvi cilji zdravljenja simptomatskih malignomov požiralnika vključujejo vzdrževanje prehranske poti,...
Palliative care of patients with advanced colorectal cancer represents a comprehensive care of incur...
V zadnjem desetletju smo priča hitremu napredku v razumevanju tumorske biologije in imunologije rako...
Kosti so tretje najpogostejše mesto zasevanja solidnih tumorjev. Zapleti na skeletu kot posledica za...
Bolniki z rakom požiralnika in želodca zelo pogosto izgubljajo telesno maso, kar vodi v podhranjenos...
The first goals of treatment of symptomatic malignomas of the oesophagus include maintenance of the ...
Hypercalcemia is the most common life-threatening metabolic disorder in cancer patients. Solid tumor...
Radiation therapy is an important part of treatment of tumours of the pelvis minor. Late effects can...
Vse več je dokazov, da imajo stari bolniki z rakom dobrobit od specifičnega onkološkega zdravljenja....
In the last decade, we have been witnessing a rapid development of the understanding of tumour biolo...
Kortikosteroidi (KS) se že desetletja uspešno uporabljajo za zmanjševanje obtumorskega edema pri bol...
Hiperkalcemija je najpogostejša presnovna motnja, ki ogroža bolnika z rakom. Najpogostejša je pri so...
The risk of developing secondary colon cancer is larger in patients treated for childhood cancer tha...
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a frequent complication in cancer patients. Treatment of VTE in thes...
Karcinom požiralnika je relativno redka bolezen s slabo prognozo. Namen naše retrospektivne raziskav...
Prvi cilji zdravljenja simptomatskih malignomov požiralnika vključujejo vzdrževanje prehranske poti,...
Palliative care of patients with advanced colorectal cancer represents a comprehensive care of incur...
V zadnjem desetletju smo priča hitremu napredku v razumevanju tumorske biologije in imunologije rako...
Kosti so tretje najpogostejše mesto zasevanja solidnih tumorjev. Zapleti na skeletu kot posledica za...