European and Czech Atomic Law in the Context of Energetic Law and Enviornmental Law (Rennaissance or Declaine) Abstract This dissertation thesis deals with recent developments in atomic law in the Czech Republic, the European Union and in international field. In the Czech Republic, the new Act No. 263/2016 Coll., The Atomic Act, which became a public codex of atomic law, is a legislation that encompasses nuclear safety, radiation protection, radioactive waste management, shipments of nuclear materials and other radioactive sources, security of nuclear materials and nuclear facilities, radiation emergency management, radiation monitoring and non- proliferation of nuclear weapons. Atomic Act replaced the old Act No. 18/1997 Coll. in which onl...
Since the Chernobyl disaster, special attention is paid in Ukraine to legislation in the field of nu...
In this paper the emphasis is on nuclear energy and its peaceful use in the world, in accordance wit...
The aim of this thesis is to describe the legal aspects of the process of extension of Temelín Nucle...
European and Czech Atomic Law in the Context of Energetic Law and Enviornmental Law (Rennaissance or...
Czech Atomic Law The reason for my research is to find out what is the key legislation regulating at...
The Czech Nuclear law The Nuclear law is an importnat part of the Environmental law. The Nuclear law...
Nuclear law in the Czech Republic Abstract Nuclear law can be defined as a set of legal rules design...
New Czech nuclear law Abstract The topic of this diploma thesis is the new Czech nuclear law, i.e. t...
This thesis goes into the czech nuclear law, i.e. the set of legal norms adjusting the terms of use ...
This master thesis called ''Nuclear devices in the view of law'', deals with the current legal arran...
Legal regulation of a deep geological repository of nuclear waste Abstract The topic of the thesis i...
102 Summary The role of state in providing nuclear safety The goal of this paper is to reflect on de...
Nehledě na určitou nedůvěru a rezistenci části veřejnosti k mírovému využívání jaderné energie, význ...
The thesis presents an investigation of the direct and indirect impact of environmental legal princi...
The thesis titled Legal aspects of constructing a deep geological repository od nuclear waste in the...
Since the Chernobyl disaster, special attention is paid in Ukraine to legislation in the field of nu...
In this paper the emphasis is on nuclear energy and its peaceful use in the world, in accordance wit...
The aim of this thesis is to describe the legal aspects of the process of extension of Temelín Nucle...
European and Czech Atomic Law in the Context of Energetic Law and Enviornmental Law (Rennaissance or...
Czech Atomic Law The reason for my research is to find out what is the key legislation regulating at...
The Czech Nuclear law The Nuclear law is an importnat part of the Environmental law. The Nuclear law...
Nuclear law in the Czech Republic Abstract Nuclear law can be defined as a set of legal rules design...
New Czech nuclear law Abstract The topic of this diploma thesis is the new Czech nuclear law, i.e. t...
This thesis goes into the czech nuclear law, i.e. the set of legal norms adjusting the terms of use ...
This master thesis called ''Nuclear devices in the view of law'', deals with the current legal arran...
Legal regulation of a deep geological repository of nuclear waste Abstract The topic of the thesis i...
102 Summary The role of state in providing nuclear safety The goal of this paper is to reflect on de...
Nehledě na určitou nedůvěru a rezistenci části veřejnosti k mírovému využívání jaderné energie, význ...
The thesis presents an investigation of the direct and indirect impact of environmental legal princi...
The thesis titled Legal aspects of constructing a deep geological repository od nuclear waste in the...
Since the Chernobyl disaster, special attention is paid in Ukraine to legislation in the field of nu...
In this paper the emphasis is on nuclear energy and its peaceful use in the world, in accordance wit...
The aim of this thesis is to describe the legal aspects of the process of extension of Temelín Nucle...