Title: Untergrundkirche und geheime Weihen. Eine kirchenrechtliche Untersuchung der Situation in der Tschechoslowakei 1948-1989 Name: Eva Vybíralová Department: Katedra pastorálních oborů a právních věd KTF UK Supervisor: prof. JUDr. Antonín Ignác Hrdina, DrSc. Abstract The aim of this project was the study of the ordination law, the history of the hidden church, and the subsequent research and comparison of all "types" of secret ordinations in all levels (ordination and consecration) granted during the Communist regime of 1948-1989 in Czechoslovakia or to Czechoslovak citizens abroad, especially from the perspective of the canon law. The presented dissertation consists of an introduction, seven chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter ...
This thesis looks at the general character of the synod of the Evangelical church of Czech Brethern ...
The thesis follows the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia between 1948-1961. The...
The dissertation First Century of the Renewed Moravian Church in Bohemia (1862 - 1968) focuses on th...
Title: Untergrundkirche und geheime Weihen. Eine kirchenrechtliche Untersuchung der Situation in der...
(in English): The goal of this thesis is to examine post-war development of undercover and official ...
The topic of the thesis are so-called "new ecclesiastical laws" accepted in 1949, that had served as...
W obliczu represji ze strony władz komunistycznych doszło po 1956 r. do nawiązania tajnej współpracy...
RÉSUMÉ The study deals with relation between State and Church in Czechoslovakia from 1948 to 1989. I...
The submitted rigorous theses deal with the political-churchly situation in the Central Europe betwe...
Church Subsidies and Their Legal Development in Slovakia and Subcarpathian Ruthenia The thesis aims ...
Resume The goal of this paper is to describe the situation of churches and religious societies with ...
The thesis Religious Life In South Bohemia In The Period of 1948-1989 deals with the issue of limita...
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Pedagogická fakulta Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu DISERTAČNÍ PRÁCE I...
The political trials of members of male orders and congregations in the Czechosloslovakia in the per...
The diploma thesis is divided into two basic topics, in which it deals in a brief outline with the o...
This thesis looks at the general character of the synod of the Evangelical church of Czech Brethern ...
The thesis follows the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia between 1948-1961. The...
The dissertation First Century of the Renewed Moravian Church in Bohemia (1862 - 1968) focuses on th...
Title: Untergrundkirche und geheime Weihen. Eine kirchenrechtliche Untersuchung der Situation in der...
(in English): The goal of this thesis is to examine post-war development of undercover and official ...
The topic of the thesis are so-called "new ecclesiastical laws" accepted in 1949, that had served as...
W obliczu represji ze strony władz komunistycznych doszło po 1956 r. do nawiązania tajnej współpracy...
RÉSUMÉ The study deals with relation between State and Church in Czechoslovakia from 1948 to 1989. I...
The submitted rigorous theses deal with the political-churchly situation in the Central Europe betwe...
Church Subsidies and Their Legal Development in Slovakia and Subcarpathian Ruthenia The thesis aims ...
Resume The goal of this paper is to describe the situation of churches and religious societies with ...
The thesis Religious Life In South Bohemia In The Period of 1948-1989 deals with the issue of limita...
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Pedagogická fakulta Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu DISERTAČNÍ PRÁCE I...
The political trials of members of male orders and congregations in the Czechosloslovakia in the per...
The diploma thesis is divided into two basic topics, in which it deals in a brief outline with the o...
This thesis looks at the general character of the synod of the Evangelical church of Czech Brethern ...
The thesis follows the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia between 1948-1961. The...
The dissertation First Century of the Renewed Moravian Church in Bohemia (1862 - 1968) focuses on th...